The baby weighs 7 lb. 15 oz. 1 ounce short of 8 lbs!!! And he's 19 1/2" long. So he's growing, but I doubt that he will make the 9 lbs. that the ped. wanted him to weigh when he goes in for his appointment there on the 24th. He's going to have to eat a lot of cereal to get there if he does!
He has done really good on his oxygen sat rate. He's at 92%, and was at 86 the last time (if I remember correctly). As soon as he is at 94%, they will begin to start weaning him off of the canula and maybe at last his poor little nose will get some rest. Thank heaven for the o2, but the inside of his nose stays irritated because of the canula. Of course, our baby does give himself a rest every once in a while by pulling it out himself!! LOL
He got another round of the synagsis shot for RSV and so tonight his little legs will be sore. Really necessary for him to have these though to protect him from RSV. With his lungs, Logan would be in a world of hurt if he contracted that respitory bug.
He stays on the monitor for now, and his medicine for reflux has again been increased due to his weight gain. He is handling his soy formula well. Once in a while he "upchucks" it, but then all babies puke!! We are just so acutely aware of anything that Logan does because of all of his past problems.
Once again.... Logan takes giant strides. He handled his "vacation" including the 3+ hour car ride like a champ. He has visited the seacoast of Texas and smelled the salt air. Now he has again gained well in his oxygen sat rate and is on his way to hopefully being canula free by Christmas time. Wouldn't that be a gift from God to add to the ones He has already bestowed on Logan..... and on us?? And of course, he steadly gains weight.
The miracle continues..... and in such a positive way. Logan is showing signs of wanting to hold his bottle. He can now hold on to his "binkie" and sucks it with all of his might. That truly is is best friend besides his mommy!
Soon he will meet Aunti N from California and hopefully get a visit from Uncle TC when he's finished with this well. 2 people who have been insturmental in all of the prayers that have been said for the Termite. There's gonna be lots of hugs and kisses going on very soon I would think :) And Logan will respond with those big beautiful eyes. He always seems to understand and lets you know he does by the look in his eyes.
Prayers continue to be answered for this little one. Praise God.... and amen."