To: Billie; Howlin; .45MAN; Lazamataz; Jim Robinson; JustAmy; Mama_Bear; FreeTheHostages; ST.LOUIE1; ...
I've tried to ping all of the people that responded to Lazamataz's prayer thread for LBGA last week, as well as other of her friends and supporters. I apologize if I've missed anyone.
Please show LBGA the power of FReeper prayer.
12 posted on
08/11/2003 9:35:39 AM PDT by
(America - Love it, Support it or LEAVE it!)
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To: dansangel
Prayers being sent for LBGA and family...please keep us posted.
To: dansangel
Thanks for the ping- prayers being said for LBGA. Sure want her to recover.
169 posted on
08/11/2003 4:19:12 PM PDT by
To: LBGA; dansangel; Howlin
Prayers being sent for you and your family, LBGA. My God comfort you and give you strength as you fight this illness.
dansangel and Howlin, Thanks for the update and pings.
To: dansangel
Prayer sent ...
176 posted on
08/11/2003 6:05:16 PM PDT by
To: dansangel; MeeknMing; mhking
I'm so sorry to hear this. May the Lord watch over LBGA for whom our prayers are offered, and return her to that perfect health which it is His alone to give. And may the Lord protect Tyler and Teale as well.
189 posted on
08/11/2003 8:30:59 PM PDT by
Victoria Delsoul
(Arnold represents the other California: entrepreneurial energy, wit and invention -- Mark Steyn)
To: dansangel
Thanks for the ping. I read this a few hours ago and I've been too sad to know what to say. LBGA has been a shining star here at FR. Her creativity and spark was always appreciated. Her friendly notes of encouragement have been re-read many times. Thank you, LBGA. I'll be praying for you and yours.
God bless, CC :)
To: dansangel
Thanks for the ping.
To LBGA and family: May God bless you and comfort you through this difficult time.
230 posted on
08/12/2003 11:11:11 AM PDT by
To: dansangel
She will be included in my prayers.
542 posted on
09/01/2003 7:49:22 PM PDT by
(If you want breakfast in bed - - - sleep in the kitchen!)
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