OF COURSE most Jews in America vote Democrat and are liberal Oh, but you didn't limit your argument to "Jews in America", did you? I think you were burbling something about how antisemitism was a natural concequence of Jews being "Bolseviks and Freemasons". In fact, I could swear you're on this thread saying that there were "sound reason" for "resentment against the Jews". Memory not even good for one thread, eh?
However. Jews have been moving to the right in America over the last couple of years. It will be interesting to see if they'll appreciate Mr. Bush's backstabbing ways vis a vis Israel enough to continue moving rightwards. I kinda doubt it, of course: no one in their right mind would vote for the Islamics. Except, perhaps, the klanners and the Nazis.
Reread my posts. I did indeed cite Bolshevism and Freemasonry as an example of historical movements with heavy Jewish participation which were targeted against the Catholic Church. I did say every action had a reaction, that it was understandable if some Catholics became anti-Semitic as a result. I didn't say it was ever justified. I said it was understandable. But I also said this was a different kind of hostility from the psychopathic behavior of Hitler. That was my argument. You may consider it wrong, you may consider it ill-informed, you may consider it weak--but you may not consider it anti-Semitic, lumping me together with Nazis and using terms like "oven-fuel" and "Christkiller" to drive home your point. I resent being defamed in this way simply because you don't like where I'm coming from intellectually and lack the ability to make logical distinctions. Such groin-kicking is beneath contempt.