Then why are you arguing fior Indian and Chinese government interference in the American markets?
You seem to have the notion that you are ENTITLED to not have to compete with foreigners for your job. Is this true?<
Foreign nationals are not entitled to access to American Markets. Look up sovreignity in the dictionary. The USA is a sovereign nation and we have international interests and national security concerns we asa nation have a right to impose restrictions on foreign trade as is appropriate. I believe in free market within the USA unencimbered within the USA by government interference. Not just interference of the government of the USA but free from interference of the WTO, European nations and China and India with their high tariffs and manipulated currencies. You say you like free markets but you argue for sociailist policies. My test question regards should airbus industries be able to sell planes in the USA without havibng tariffs in place to eliminate the government subsidy for these aircraft. The European government subsidy directly hurts American producers of aircraft.