To: ambrose
"Perot didn't give us Clinton"
Perot didn't give us Clinton -- all the deluded Perot VOTERS did.
And the same ones are about to give us Bustamante.
To: FairOpinion
You sound a lot like Common Tator.
22 posted on
08/09/2003 6:33:20 PM PDT by
To: FairOpinion
Perot didn't give us Clinton -- all the deluded Perot VOTERS did.
And the same ones are about to give us Bustamante.
Exactly so. and worse, regardng Perot, even after he showed his true colors, the single issue "principled" voters stuck by him. These people are as childish as the those who looked to Bill Caligula as heir father and saviour.Perhaps they are even worse,for we expect the weak minds and will in demoncRAT .When people professing to be anmong our political peergroup act in the same way, we are dumbfouded . is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson