"Carter also chastised the Shah of Iran for his human rights record and withdrew American support. This led to the U.S. losing a priceless pro-Western ally in the Middle East an ally that was replaced by the deranged anti-Western Islamic theocracy of the Ayatollah Khomeini.
Khomeini killed more innocent Iranians (20,000) in a two-week reign of terror than the Shah could have even dreamed of killing throughout his 38 years in power (1941-1979).
Thanks to Carter, Irans pro-Western disposition was terminated and the rights that had been won for women in that country were reversed. Moreover, it was precisely because of the Iranian revolution that the Iran-Iraq war broke out a war that took one million lives over its eight-year duration.
The Iran-Iraq nightmare led to the chaos in that region that yielded Saddam Husseins invasion of Kuwait, which, in turn, led to the American war effort to get Iraq out of Kuwait. That necessary war effort, as we know, triggered an Islamic hatred of America that played a significant role in 9/11.
Let us also keep in mind that the Islamic revolution in Iran gave inspiration to tens of thousands of Islamic fanatics, who now began to conspire ever more fervently to destroy modernity in their own societies and to instigate terror against America and the West."
Great job, FO, re your documentation of the worse president of the last century.
Evad, I agree with you.
Hopefully, one day we will be able to fully understand what this Communist/Islamofascist POS did to the middle east, Iran, Israel and America as president and afterwards.