Next time a conservative bishop is up for election, a liberal activist will claim that the bishop touched him on his arm and call that "sexual harassment."
They very well may do so. It is par for the course. I am not convinced that Robinson's hands are clean on this as has been reported. I agree with you that 11th hour accusations being launched appears quite unseemly. It all is so "Anita-Hill-ish." What bothers me more is his dumping his wife for a homosexual lover, his rejection of scripture, his co-founding a website that targets impressionable youth, and his advocacy of "reason" over the word of the Lord.
That's very troublesome for me also.
A bishop must be a Christian of impeccable qualifications, as clearly stated in the Scriptures.
There is no right to be a leader in Christ's church, even if He forgives all our sins. Only exceptional men with very orthodox lifestyles should come near being a bishop.
Even if this bishop had married a second wife (woman), he should not be a leader in the church, since he was not faithful to his original vows.