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Hurricane names raise a warning; not enough black names in it.
hillnews ^
| 08/01/03
| Bill Thomas
Posted on 08/01/2003 8:50:07 PM PDT by Pikamax
Hurricane Latonya? Hurricane names raise a warning The 2003 hurricane season is here, and that means a whole new list of names such as Larry, Sam and Wanda ready to make tropical-storm history.
Although Spanish and French names are included in this years lineup, among them Juan and Claudette, which struck Texas last week, popular African American names, like Keisha, Jamal and Deshawn, are nowhere to be found.
Some black lawmakers dont seem to mind, but Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) does. All racial groups should be represented, said Lee.
The World Meteorological Organization began naming tropical storms after women in 1953. That made sense to scientists at the time who thought women and storms were both unpredictable. After feminist groups protested, mens names were added in 1979.
The National Weather Service says hurricane names are derived from languages spoken in areas that border the Atlantic Ocean, where such storms occur. Yet that doesnt explain why Gaston, Ernesto and Cindy were chosen and Antwon, Destiny and Latonya were passed over.
Lee said she hoped in the future the weather establishment would try to be inclusive of African American names.
That could take a while. The current roster of hurricane names isnt due to be updated until 2007.
TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: hurricanes; storms
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As a black person, please shut up jackson lee.
"popular African American names, like Keisha, Jamal and Deshawn...,Some black lawmakers dont seem to mind,"
There is a reason because those names stink, IMHO.
posted on
08/01/2003 8:50:08 PM PDT
To: Pikamax
argh.. Speaking as a Black person, Please shut up Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee ( this ticked me off so much I couldn't think in the first comment.)
posted on
08/01/2003 8:52:46 PM PDT
To: Pikamax
posted on
08/01/2003 8:54:23 PM PDT
(Ambivalent? Well, yes and no.)
To: Pikamax
If we named one "Sheila", would that be satisfactory?
To: Pikamax
JFC, don't we have enough to worry about without this kind of crap.....?
Give the damn things numbers. You do still know how to count don't you Ms...........Jackson...........Lee............
You know how it goes... 1 2 3 4 and so on......
posted on
08/01/2003 8:57:37 PM PDT
To: Malesherbes
Since they're in alphabetical order every year, in order to get to Hurricane Sheila, there'd have to be 19 hurricanes... I don't think there has ever been that many...
However, Hurricane Blabbermouth might work.
posted on
08/01/2003 8:57:46 PM PDT
So Cal Rocket
(Free Miguel, Priscilla and Bill!)
To: mhking
For your Just Damn list?
posted on
08/01/2003 8:57:54 PM PDT
Pan_Yans Wife
("Life isn't fair. It's fairer than death, is all.")
To: Pikamax
I'm all for this. Do you know how bland it is to refer to "Hurricane Bob" or "Hurricane Bill"? I'd much rather see "Hurricane Kweisi" or "Hurricane L'Afrique".
posted on
08/01/2003 8:58:30 PM PDT
( - home to Tall_Texan's new column.)
To: Pikamax
There is a reason because those names stink, IMHO.LOL!
Hurricane P-Diddy!
To: Pikamax
Nope, sorry - you lose.
I can't imagine a storm named, "Jessie 'Pimp Daddy' Jackson", or "God Shamgod".
When you come go full circle with the naming thing, maybe.
'Till then STFU!
To: Tall_Texan
Do you know how bland it is to refer to "Hurricane Bob" or "Hurricane Bill"? Why not a hurricane "BillyBob"?
posted on
08/01/2003 9:00:07 PM PDT
Paleo Conservative
(Do not remove this tag under penalty of law.)
To: Pikamax
Is it a compliment to have a hurricane named after you? I thought it was kind of derogatory, that's why the feminists had a fit. Does Ms. Jackson Lee want to pander to all special interest groups, equally? What about using surnames?!
posted on
08/01/2003 9:01:06 PM PDT
Pan_Yans Wife
("Life isn't fair. It's fairer than death, is all.")
To: Pikamax
...and watch Sheila and company cry "racism!" when Hurricane Laquitta or Tropical Storm Shawon slams into a populated area causing high loss of life and property - because the NWS didn't change the name back to a "white" name when the storm appeared destructive.
posted on
08/01/2003 9:01:15 PM PDT
("There are lies, damned lies, and statistics." -Mark Twain)
To: Pikamax
Chris Baker does a local (Houston) afternoon radio show. Today he was talking about this silliness, and one caller pointed out that Ms. Jackson-Lee herself doesn't have a very African-American sounding name. He suggested she changed it to LaSheila Jacksoniqua.
posted on
08/01/2003 9:02:51 PM PDT
To: Pikamax
Maybe they can name hurricanes on Mars to suit ms know, where the astronauts planted the flag.
To: Paul Atreides
The Latinos shot down the Frito Bandido because it was a "negative influence". Aren't hurricanes bad? What about if we named them all with African American names (as we used to name them with Causacian names). Would blacks complain that there was a "negative connotation"?
To: Pikamax
posted on
08/01/2003 9:05:01 PM PDT
(Ronaldus Magnus he's our man . . . If he can't do it, no one can.)
To: Pikamax; snippy_about_it
I'm waiting for hurricane Tyrone Shoelaces.
Give me a break we don't have real problems to deal with????
posted on
08/01/2003 9:05:04 PM PDT
(My dad fought in World War II, it's one of the things that distinguishes him from the french.)
To: Pikamax
I don't think Ms. Lee thought this through. It would be a terrible P.R. move. Normally, people don't want their names associated with anything violent and deadly. This should be particularly so for law-abiding Blacks, who already have to suffer the stigma created by the small minority of their race who truly are violent and deadly. Does she really want to remind people of that? I sure wouldn't!
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