The only people who complain about it are the Bush haters.
In my view, much of the increased patriotic display is largely due to the knowledge that the lack of it contributed to the deaths of thousands of GI's during the Nam era.
People now realize that the lack of support kills!
Those people that suddenly displayed the flag and wore the pins are only expressing their support for our administration and/or our GI's in uniform. Many are going a step further and are honoring the past veterans, and this brings tears to my eyes.
I suggest that if you have nothing supportive to say, that you remain silent on the issue.
Don't be surprised that you are criticized if you post negative statements as you did.
Perhaps I am more cynical than you are.
The only people who complain about it are the Bush haters.
Well, this is not true. I can point to my business partner, a steadfast Bush supporter, and he gets as disgusted by the blatant exploitation of the flag and of our troops as I do. More so in fact.
I saw an honest to God commercial where some slicked-hair used car salesman implored us to buy his car because "it's the American thing to do" (exact words). He stood in front of a montage of waving flags, had "God Bless America" playing. It was sickening. As if not buying his rustheap was unpatriotic.
In my view, much of the increased patriotic display is largely due to the knowledge that the lack of it contributed to the deaths of thousands of GI's during the Nam era.
People now realize that the lack of support kills!
That is undoubtedly true (and my Mom still has memories of the treatemnt my Dad received when he got back from Vietnam). But support for the troops, is not what I'm talking about.