True enough. But in America prostitution is an option (a very bad option), not forced by starvation.
At the very least, our prostitutes are in a free enterprise zone. If they choose, for whatever reason, to degrade themselves, they are not forced into it by hunger.
Actually, some in the good old US of A are forced into it by starvation. First that comes to mind are the homeless and runaways. I'm also betting some of those prostitutes in NK made the choice. There are worse ways to provide for your family. Back in my CPS days I had an investigation and made a home visit. Having worked with this family off and on for years, I knew exactly what to expect and knew the kids were really ok and mainly living with grandma. There was no food and the house was a hovel. As I passed one bedroom, a lump moaned and buried itself further under the covers. Anyway, I told the mom this was her last chance. I'd be back at 5 pm and expected to see food in the fridge, the house at least picked up, and dangerous repairs fixed (hole in floor, broken windows replaced, etc.). Let me say it was hilarious driving by every so often seeing various men carrying in groceries, slapping on paint, and even putting up new window screens more than what I'd asked. I let all the fuss go on until 6 and made an other inspection. Ha, I bet mom was on her back for weeks after those favors were called in! Hey, it pays to have a loyal customer base that can work well together.