The Iraqi who got out of the humvee look skinny like Mahmud al Tikriti.
He could have a great job in Iraq, identifying the bodies of the whacked Soddomites!
Thanks for posting the oil price and the GNP relationship. UK Sky News-DNA Tests for Saddams Sons Proceeding (US Officials.. 90-95% Certain It's Them]
SKY Breaking News ^ | July 22 ,2003 | staff report
Posted on 07/22/2003 11:26 AM PDT by ewing
A US Official says two bodies recovered from a Mosul villa raised by US Troops bear a strong resemblance to Saddam Huseins sons and DNA tests are being carried out.
Americas FOX News quoted quoted one official in the Adminstration as saying that they are '90-95%' sure that the bodies are of Saddam Husseins sons.