"What it looks like is an accelerating rate of invasion," UC Davis researcher Debra Ayres said. "Instead of exponential growth, we have greater than exponential growth."
I am searching my math handbooks for Greater than Exponential Growth
Have we every seen this before in Biological Organisms?
Found this site:
Boy, oh BOY, do I ever know this fanatical activist!!!
Nothing this woman will ever say will ever be believed by this FReeper!!! She is a total NUTCASE that wanted to set fire to western El Dorado county, (where she lived in Cameron Park) to stimulate the propogation of a non-listed but supposedly threatened MULE EAR WEED!!!
She was down in Sacramento at a hearing in an attempt to get the weed listed as endangered and WEEPING uncontrolably because too many of us homeowners had caught wind of her fanatical scheme and FReeped the hearing and put a stop to it!!!
Her whole thing was to stop any more homes being built (like hers just was) on the hills surrounding Cameron Park and to establish a "Plant Preserve" with the help of the CA Native Plant Society through a pressurized land grab by the American River Conservancy to totally rip-off the property owner!
It gave rise to a "Property Rights Movement" in this county that last just long enough to help us elect a "champion" to represent that area on the Board of Supervisors. Two things caused the weed to germinate, otherwise it stayed dormant. One was, any disturbance of the soil and the other was wildfire!
In the 1970's, the "Quarry Fire" raced from just above Cameron Park, all the way south to Amador County in 4 hours, driven by a huge north wind. This woke up a lot of these weeds, bringing them to her attention as the ideal tool to stop anyone from building ANYTHING on THEIR land!
This whole plant preserve issue was ultimately designed and used to hold El Dorado hostage for a huge "contribution" of county taxpayer dollars to buy the devalued land from landowners that suffered the loss of all their investment backed expectations in order to get the county the rights to water it already had "county of origin" rights to, historically!
You bettcha, anytime any article quotes this freaked out fanatic, you're gonna git a big rise outta me!!!
There is enough truth in the invasive specie threat, without EnvironMental Communutty WHACKO's militant and aggressive treatment of legitimate landowners using government force and blackmail between levels of government to get their way, to find the RIGHT WAY to wage war on invasive weeds. See www.NaturalProcess.net