To: Brian S
"We're a bit shaken. Everybody is a bit shocked," said Mekki. "But when we were recruited and we came to Iraq, we knew there were risks. An incident like this is not unexpected." I think the media and a lot of people jumping on the President right now (from the Left and paleo Right) would be smart to consider this statement.
8 posted on
07/20/2003 7:26:53 AM PDT by
("...They came to hate their party and this president... They have finished by hating their country.")
To: Texas_Dawg
I think the media and a lot of people jumping on the President right now (from the Left and paleo Right) would be smart to consider this statement.Why? It is just nonsense and excuse making.
Richard W.
14 posted on
07/20/2003 7:44:10 AM PDT by
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