To: Brian S
The Christian West cannot "occupy"-"liberate"
The Arab-Muslim Middle East
All we can do in the end is to try to fill the country with moderate muslims
yet these kinds come from and live in the west
The heart & wellspring of Arab Islam is Saudi Arabia
And as long as the Middle East and mosques and islamic centers are allowed to teach
"Pure" Islam and Western Christians try to "occupy" ...what they consider their "Holy Land"
There is gonna be a fight...and you cant fight their ideology by killing them...unless you kill every last one..
Which is against our beliefs...and would earn us even more contempt...
Turn Iraq over to the UN and cut our losses? NATO comprised of troops from those more favorable to to keep out Russia Germany France or other Muslim nations?
Of course if we piece meal Iraq out to foreign troops ...some will be commies other opportunists...the Iraqis will suffer under others...and if we occupy only the oil producing will make it appear that this was our intent from the beginning...and this was all about oil for us (The Bush-Cheney oil interests)
Or we simply suck it up take our losses and preceed with our programs....and hope the morale of the troops and those back home doesnt fall apart before the next election..?
A tough row to hoe...
28 posted on
07/20/2003 8:23:00 AM PDT by
(Moderate Islam Is For Dilettantes)
To: joesnuffy
true enough on most points, but its better to make the choice to fight islam in iraq, then in NY and DC, its come down to that after 9/11.
To: joesnuffy
The ultra PC administration trying to fight a Holy war.
If it weren't so pathetic with US troops dying daily, it would be funny.
32 posted on
07/20/2003 8:31:23 AM PDT by
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