To: DCPatriot
Level an entire god-damned city, and then let's see how many show up for demonstrations against the liberators.
How on earth can you use the word "liberators" in the same sentence in which you propose mass murder and devastion?
IMO, It's time to attempt to cool tensions by invitng in peacekeeping forces from the very nations and organizations we pre-war demonized. Our troops are the best fighting forces in the world, but they are not trained to be policemen.
I think Bush realizes this, hence his Liberia olive branch to the U.N.. I'm predicting U.N. troops in Iraq by years end, and I'll applaud that.
22 posted on
07/20/2003 8:06:06 AM PDT by
but those UN troops will do nothing, just like in Africa, they will stand around and guard a 100 square yard area at the airport and that's it (ok, maybe the museum too), while chaos rages around them. there is nothing to be gained from that, there are additional foreign troops coming in (Poland, etc) who are actually doing something.
Why do you want to get the UN involved? It has an awful track record in peacekeeping. Kosovo is now a UN colony and has been cleansed (under the eyes of the "peacekeepers" you praise) of most of its remaining serbs.
A far better solution is to turn over authority to the interim government when it still can maintain a shred of credibility and get the heck out on a fast time table. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson