You said: The African nuclear material story is much ado over nothing. It is so much so that it is long past the point where it is more than fair to openly question the motives of those attempting to portray it as something big.
My reply: It was incompetence to include that in the speech. Blame it from the staff that OKed the speech, the speech writers, whoever. If incompetence is too harsh a word I would then call it foolish to have exposed the president to such a thing.
I also call Bush on the fact he continues NOT to fire people over these failures--no one fired over 9/11, no one fired after this speech fiasco..enough already--clean house or the blame will fall on you Mr. President.
By the way, I never give any President, even one I vote for my obedience. My obedience is to my country as formed by the constitution. The suggestion that attacking Bush or any sitting president is un-American is a "Fuhrer principle" I do not subscribe to.
I say: "It is so insignificant that to call it incompetence is pretty over the top." If you consider that to be unacceptable incompetence, then you are never going to find an administration under any party in any nation which will meet your standards.