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To: JohnHuang2
I stumbled upon this passage doing research for another piece. So I brought the article to the attention of administration officials, who hadn't yet seen it, and asked for comment. Intelligence analysts were perplexed, particularly because of a passage in the text preceding the list. It read: "We publish this list of great men for the sons of our great people to see." And below that: "This is a list of the henchmen of the regime. Our hands will reach them sooner or later. Woe unto them. A list of the leaders of Saddam's regime, as well as their present and previous posts."

It looks like Uday Hussein might have been an even worse newspaper editor than Howell Raines! How could he let a mistake like that get into his paper? Very weird.

4 posted on 07/16/2003 12:34:46 AM PDT by xm177e2 (Stalinists, Maoists, Ba'athists, Pacifists: Why are they always on the same side?)
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To: xm177e2
How could he let a mistake like that get into his paper?

If this story is true, and not just an elaborate fabrication done by Tenet's CIA technicians, then you can be sure that whoever was responsible for allowing this to be printed met a very unpleasant fate.

I think Lehman's comment is more interesting and more reliable.

6 posted on 07/16/2003 2:33:30 PM PDT by giotto
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