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Ann Coulter ^
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| Ann Coulter
Posted on 07/09/2003 4:22:51 PM PDT by ChadGore
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To: ChadGore; cherry_bomb88; iceskater; sultan88; Treasa
True blacklisting occurs only when someone scowls at a liberal. In her own unique & discriminating way, Ann highlights the hypocrisy, and fear-of-truth, that possesses that ghoulish entity known as a liberal.
posted on
07/09/2003 6:39:40 PM PDT
To: pawdoggie
"And why, in the name of all that's Holy, did she have to defend a loud-mouthed alcoholic like McCarthy?"
Because for all his personal flaws, he was dead on correct.
posted on
07/09/2003 6:51:07 PM PDT
To: annyokie; hoosiermama
I love Horowitz, too, but at least some of his comments are way off base, directly contradictable from the text of Treason.
hoosiermama summed up Ann and Treason as well as I've seen it done, and I quote her here:
Ann doesn't claim to be the "utmost authority". She's a polemicist, who researches her wisecracks! She's a cartoon. Like Madonna, Dolly Parton, she is aware of her attributes and markets it. She's getting the message out to the less studious American.
posted on
07/09/2003 6:51:58 PM PDT
(this space intentionally blank)
To: FreedomPoster
It's not acceptable that someone who wants to participate in intellectual discourse should be "a cartoon" who exaggerates wildly etc. That's exactly how Michael Moore describes himself (he says his work is comedy or parody, so it can't be held to scrutiny).
posted on
07/09/2003 6:56:45 PM PDT
(Stalinists, Maoists, Ba'athists, Pacifists: Why are they always on the same side?)
To: xm177e2
I don't have a problem with it. Sorry you don't like the hyperbole, but no one is listening to studious university professors. It keeps the Left off base. Their attack dogs are too busy trying to figure out what to do with Ann, and attacking her, to attack Bush, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, etc. This is A Good Thing in my book.
Think of her as a Carville on our side. With more facts. Not to mention infinitely better looking.
posted on
07/09/2003 6:59:30 PM PDT
(this space intentionally blank)
To: xm177e2
And by the way, her facts hold up well. Have you read the criticisms of Rabinowitz and Horowitz here?
posted on
07/09/2003 7:00:20 PM PDT
(this space intentionally blank)
To: FreedomPoster
When she sticks to the facts, she is devastating. When she says things like "Liberals have a preternatural gift for striking a position on the side of treason" (on page one of the book!) she does more harm than good. When she holds up McCarthy as a great man, instead of showing how he was a flawed individual who latched himself on to a good, important cause, that's absurd. That's similar to leftists saying nice things about Castro, the reasoning behind it is the same--he's our guy, so we shouldn't criticize. (of course, Castro was much worse than McCarthy)
posted on
07/09/2003 7:03:42 PM PDT
(Stalinists, Maoists, Ba'athists, Pacifists: Why are they always on the same side?)
To: ChadGore
Even a hint of the blacklist must never again be tolerated
Absence of blacklist does not guarantee absence of backlash.
posted on
07/09/2003 7:04:01 PM PDT
(There is no such thing as society: there are individual men and women[.] --Margaret Thatcher)
(and I should also say: she stuck to the facts in this article, I found it to be excellent)
posted on
07/09/2003 7:04:11 PM PDT
(Stalinists, Maoists, Ba'athists, Pacifists: Why are they always on the same side?)
To: FreedomPoster; annyokie
My first reaction to TREASON was: "Boy, is Ann pushing some buttons!"
After reading Horowitz and Dorothy Rabinowitz's comments, I realized just how sacred the cows were that Ann exposed.
If I'm correct Horowitz family members were involved in the 'socialist movement' and many of the spies were Jewish. I believe that both Horwitz and Rabinowitz "reacted" to Ann's button pushing, much like a person in denial reacts to facts and truth. They became defensive.....Give them time to get use to reality and realize Ann was not attacking them.
posted on
07/09/2003 7:30:24 PM PDT
(Prayers for all)
To: hoosiermama
That is my feeling too. On page 101 of
Treason, Ann says that, much to Roy Cohn's "annoyance and bewilderment...Jews opposed McCarthy by 82 to 3 percent."
Among the general public his approval rating was 63%.
Jules Rosenberg's alma mater, City College, was ground zero of the McCarthy investigation. The school was one of the intellectual centers of Jewish life in NYC. His hearings were seen as an attack. And still are. I guess.
posted on
07/09/2003 7:50:35 PM PDT
To: netmilsmom
I don't care if he read it or not. I just find it funny the neocons are starting to fight amongst their own. And all I can say it's about time. Coulter is shrill and annoying. Horowitz, well at least he's not quoting rote from National Review like most of the talking heads, that's one thing he's got going for him
posted on
07/09/2003 7:56:38 PM PDT
(Deo Vindice)
To: Ichneumon; All
Factual analyses hurt, don't they? Preaching to the chior is SOOOOOOOOO much easier.
Go Dave and Go Dorothy. Reasoned disagreement, without hateful as homenim is my friend.
posted on
07/09/2003 7:57:28 PM PDT
(Admin Moderator has got it in for me.)
To: ChadGore
Boxers speech was a real barfer! Made me so sick. Liberals are just nuts I tell you!
posted on
07/09/2003 7:59:04 PM PDT
(The left have blood on their hands.)
To: DPB101
For Ann to say McCathy was right about communist in the government might be equivalent to someone saying Hitler was right about a particular matter. Hitler did many evil things, and was wrong in most but I'm sure we could find one item in his life that he was correct about.
Reaction of most people, but particularly someone with a Jewish background would be, "NO NEVER! How could you betray us!"
posted on
07/09/2003 8:03:14 PM PDT
(Prayers for all)
To: hoosiermama
Read "Radical Son", my FRiend and learn about David Horowitz.
His parents were Communists, not Socialists, he was a Red Diaper Baby. He reacted to the murder of his friend by the Black Panthers (for whom he had raised many thousands of dollars to begin a school) by denouncing the "cause" that many of his fellow travelers still ebrace.
Read "Radical Son" and learn.
posted on
07/09/2003 8:05:35 PM PDT
(Admin Moderator has got it in for me.)
To: annyokie
Go Dave and Go Dorothy. Reasoned disagreement, without hateful as homenim is my friend. Why did Dorothy Rabinowitz claim Phillip Loeb was a victim of McCarthyism? He wasn't. Why did Horowitz claim Coulter did not credit Humphrey for being anticommunist. She did.
posted on
07/09/2003 8:12:51 PM PDT
To: annyokie
Reasoned disagreement, without hateful as homenim is my friend. Geeeeezzzz, anny. You're no fun.
Liberals and dems have been shrieking loud enough to wake the dead for close to a century. Republicans and Conservatives have tried, reputedly, to reason calmly with them. This only causes libs and dems to shriek all the louder.
Personally, I enjoy a good diatribe coming from the Right. I spent many (too many) years being required by my politics to shout "AMEN BROTHER" every time one of the leftist loonies decided to spout off. Listening to them getting browbeaten by Coulter is great fun for reformed_democrat(s).
Not every book put out by Conservatives has to be a trial to read. Coulter's are downright fun.
To: annyokie
Thanks for the title. WIll read. (Even more reason for him to be defensive.)
posted on
07/09/2003 8:14:16 PM PDT
(Prayers for all)
To: xm177e2
Ann Coulter and Michael Moore have been compared before. And rightly ( no pun intended) so.
posted on
07/09/2003 8:15:44 PM PDT
(Admin Moderator has got it in for me.)
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