To: JoeSixPack1
I may have to deal with it...but you will have to live with it.
Go ahead and be that way...just stop giving the term "Joe-Sixpack" a bad name at the same time.
822 posted on
07/10/2003 10:09:59 AM PDT by
Redleg Duke
(Stir the pot...don't let anything settle to the bottom where the lawyers can feed off of it!)
To: Redleg Duke
Go ahead and be that way...just stop giving the term "Joe-Sixpack" a bad name at the same time.Oh this should be good, any advice?
Or will a simple apology get me either a free beer or a broken bottle over my head?
Hint: bring band-aids cause I'm not sure what to apologise for. ;-)
831 posted on
07/10/2003 10:24:03 AM PDT by
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