High Stakes In Government Feuds With BBC
The British and Israeli prime ministers both claim the broadcaster is unethical and reckless.
By William Wallace
Special to The Los Angeles Times
LONDON -- With its dulcet tones and extensive reach into the synapses of the nation, the British Broadcasting Corp...
I won't post the entire article here because of restrictions with the LA Times (reading their online version of the paper requires that you sign up, for one thing), but here's a little snippet that in a way relates to the topic of this thread.
For his part, Blair contends the BBC did nothing less than "lie" when it ran reports suggesting that Downing Street manipulated British intelligence information last fall in order to - as the BBC report put it - "sex up" the case for war with Iraq.
Facing persistent criticism over the failure to uncover the banned weapons on which he largely based his case for war, Blair said he could not allow claims of doctoring intelligence information to go unchallenged.
Were the documents the same ones that Secretary Powell cited in his presentation to the United Nations? How did they get mentioned in The State of The Union speech and again at the U.N. hearings? Who gave them to the Bush and Blair administrations? How did they sneak them in amongst the "real" stuff?
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