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BREAKING: Conned big time "CIA Witness" to White House Lying about Intel story found to be FRAUD
Capitol Hill Blue ^ | July 9, 2003 | Doug Thompson

Posted on 07/09/2003 4:04:00 PM PDT by Doug Thompson

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To: Ragtime Cowgirl
You always bring good links to my attention,Ragtime!
801 posted on 07/10/2003 9:43:11 AM PDT by MEG33
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To: Mo1
Exactly who are these people that bought Captial Blue?

If they are connected to the people who bought our local paper.....look out. It's now a real liberal rag. The good news is business is dropping.
802 posted on 07/10/2003 9:44:21 AM PDT by hoosiermama (Prayers for all)
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To: Dont Mention the War
...those DNC talking points memos..
Please see #722.

Sorry, I mention the war...a lot. Our troops rock!

803 posted on 07/10/2003 9:44:57 AM PDT by Ragtime Cowgirl (We're in a global war on terrorism..If you want to call that a quagmire, do it. I don't.*Rummy* 6-30)
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To: RedWhiteBlue
Let me know when Rush says "I'm just a frikking stupid as everyone else who agreed with Doug"
804 posted on 07/10/2003 9:48:31 AM PDT by RedBloodedAmerican
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To: RedWhiteBlue
As of 12:50 EDT, no reference to it. Maybe during his second hour...???
805 posted on 07/10/2003 9:50:06 AM PDT by CedarDave
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To: .45MAN
806 posted on 07/10/2003 9:50:22 AM PDT by dansangel (America - love it, support it or LEAVE it!)
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To: nopardons
I see now that there is a lot more to this than I was aware of. I replied to the posted article, and did not read all the way through before replying. I'll keep reading, and I would like to know more about this ...

On the face of it, anyone who is willing to say they were wrong in public has acted responsibly IN THAT ACTION. But thanks...

807 posted on 07/10/2003 9:53:12 AM PDT by bootless (Never Forget)
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To: Ragtime Cowgirl
I learned during Florida elections 2000 and 2002 - trying to get our message out to the people through the Florida press - that the mainstream press is in league with the DNC. It was surreal. Gannett, owner of many Fla. "hometown" papers and local TV news outlets, and AP Florida regularly printed unverified accusations (lies), and DNC opinion as 'news' while ignoring postive, verifiable records of achievement, press releases, endorsements from the right

All through the clinton years the media displayed a stunning willingness to believe exactly what the dems and clinton administration would say.

Earlier on the thread was a brief diversion as some of us recalled the Stephens/Riady/Huang connection to the clinton White House.

I clearly recall as these events were revealed being shocked at how the media remained stonefaced as they would report the story always taking the tone that the dems say there is no "there there" and besides the American People want to trust and believe their president and picking on all of these appointees amounted to harrassment, yada yada yada.

Now we have an administration who is constantly having their statements twisted and is presented in news reports as not worthy of trust. We are told it is the American Way to scrutinize American Presidents. Fine. Scrutinize should not be distortion. And where was this scrutiny with clinton.

Fortunately truth has a way of percolating to the top--perhaps not as quickly as some of us would like--but it will always out.

But much evil is done by putting these false reports out. Witness the cretins at DU and this other forum linked here (Calpundit). Once the false propaganda is out some will always believe it no matter the debunking.

808 posted on 07/10/2003 9:53:52 AM PDT by cyncooper
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To: YaYa123
I mean, why would Joseph Wilson had reported back to the CIA, if Cheney were the one who sent him on the mission?? And really, why in the hell would Dick Cheney have sent Clinton operative Joseph Wilson on a cloak and dagger mission? That doesn't even pass the make sense test.

Wilson doesn't pass the smell test for me either

BTW .. is it normal procedure to not write up any kind of a report .. which Wilson says he did not do. He gave an oral report to someone

809 posted on 07/10/2003 9:55:13 AM PDT by Mo1
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To: PhiKapMom
"Guess I need one of those flowers as well!"

Works well as an antenna, too. :)

If we all bring our ideas and info here, maybe we can counter the opposition (whatever it is) while there's still time to respond. Although, we do need to remember that all eyes on this forum are not friendly.

I'm off to a cycle of taking babies to the vet and will catch up when I return.
810 posted on 07/10/2003 9:56:50 AM PDT by windchime
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To: RedWhiteBlue
Anyone listening to Rush? The CHB article was a major topic on his show yesterday.

I didn't listen yesterday. Was it really? I've had him on today and he's been talking about nonsense.

Please tell us what he said about the CHB article yesterday.

811 posted on 07/10/2003 9:58:46 AM PDT by cyncooper
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To: PhiKapMom
Without knowing any more than what I've read in your post here, let me react to what appear to me to be a few problems...

On a certain level, I don't much care if the Dem talking points are lies or not. Of course honesty matters, but what I mean is that regardless of the reason I disagree with their points, the point is that I disagree, so I want to disagree as effectively as I can.

The way to do that, the way I generally try to approach any discussion, is to determine on what premises their talking points rest. Premises are the load-bearing beams of argumentation. I can ignore 90% of what someone says by focusing on their premises and kicking at them until they fall, bringing down the whole edifice of their argument. The 10% that remain are lingering, jumped-to conclusions, emotional attachments, and subconscious biases, which are all far more easily dealt with after the premises are dispatched.

One thing the Democrats do very well is determine where best to strike populist chords with the American Public. They do this through the much-maligned dark arts of focus-grouping and polling. They've consistently outflanked the GOP in this way since after the 1994 Election, which, not coincidentally, was the last time the GOP seized the initiative in determining the populist pulse of the country.

The exception to this is the post-9/11 era. However, I attribute that less to a concerted Republican strategy than to the fact that the aftermath of a Historical moment well beyond the control of either party (that is, 9/11) played strongly to traditional Republican populist strengths in the areas of foreign policy and patriotism. That the Republicans used this to their advantage was more a matter of maintaining their post-9/11 momentum than to the striking any pre-emptive populist note with the electorate. Appropriately so, to be sure.

We're now, however, in a pre-2004 period, and I'm not convinced that the post 9/11 momentum will be sufficient to achieve hoped-for victories in that election, particularly not now, since the bar for an effective Senate majority has been raised by the Democrat judicial filibusters, and, to my mind, an ineffective GOP strategy for confronting them.

In light of that, I look at what you've told me about the RNC and the Bush-Cheney talking points, and I have some concerns. First, I don't trust the RNC at all, as they have proven themselves congenitally averse to any sense of populism since after the Gingrich insurgency of 1994, which lasted all of a year and a half before Newt was co-opted, only to fail spectacularly in that in the '96 and '98 elections. Time and again, the RNC gives every impression of being beholden to the Rockefeller country clubbers, whose only cognizance of populism is manifested in a disdain for those of us caddies and groundskeepers who have the poor taste not to shut up and do as we're told.

Second, the over-emphasis on Bush-Cheney (which I'm taking not only from your post, but also from the behavior of the RNC and many of the cheerleaders in this microcosmic forum), seems to me to be remarkably short-sighted. Certainly, the talking points ought to serve the purposes of their re-election, but a personality-based tunnelvision isn't going to help turn this country around in the long term. On January 20th, 2005, Bush and Cheney will, at best, be lame ducks with a mandate of a debatable shelf-life.

At that point, I presume, the RNC will coast on inertia until their new personality du jour emerges.

Yet, even if 2004 is a victory for us, its fruits will only last for a season unless we plant the seeds for future victories now. We can do that with talking points that establish populist premises that play to Republican advantage, as well as mounting assaults on Democrat premises.

Let's take an example, one that is largely moot because of the Republicans' failure to establish populist beachheads in the second half of the 1990s; that is, the idea of a prescription drug entitlement. The Democrats took the populist initiative with the premise that: drugs are expensive + seniors need drugs + seniors can't afford drugs = someone, like the federal government, needs to buy these drugs for seniors. So, the consequent premise was established that to prove one cares for seniors, one must support paying for their prescription drugs. President Bush conceded this premise in the 2000 campaign, and thereby gave up that ground to the Democrats. This tactic has been called, with no sense of irony, "taking the Democrats' issues away," to make something a Republican issue.

Did President need to give up this ground to get this "victory?" How could the he and GOP have effectively countered this? Preemptively.

The undeniable point of the welfare state is that it doesn't pay for anything, it merely transfers wealth. Anyone who gets out more than they put in is getting it not from the government, but from an anonymous taxpayer somewhere. The key to undercutting the Democrat premise is to put a populist face on that anonymous taxpayer. The Democrats know this, that's why, in their lexicon, taxpayers are "the rich." Not only are they "the rich," they are "the rich, right now."

But that isn't the truth at all, and the real face of that anonymous taxpayer isn't "the rich, right now," it's our kids and grandkids, in the future. They are the ones who will be obligated to fund the wealth transfers of the welfare state to pay for the prescription drug giveaway. That will get people's attention, to be sure, but it's not enough to close the door on the established populist premise of the Democrats. This is:

President Clinton's 1994 budget contained an actuarial projection (can't remember if it was CBO or GAO) of the tax burden on future taxpayers, our kids and grandkids, based on the outstanding obligations of the welfare state, into the period of the babyboomers' retirement. Not surprisingly, Medicare and Social Security were the biggest tickets, and it was projected that those future taxpayers would need to fork over about 82% of their incomes to support those programs.

82%. Our kids and grandkids. At the point when some entity has prior claim of 82% of your income, you are their slave. How populist is it to enslave our children? Yet, that's the reality which underlies the premise of the Democrats’ welfare state.

Those actuarial predictions disappeared the next year, just in time for the budget showdown between Clinton and the GOP Class of '94. However, I recall seeing an independent projection of what the future tax burden would have been had Clinton acceded then to the GOP's "draconian" demands: 80%. As it was, the GOP was successful in getting the number down to 81%.

Now, while we definitely need new numbers and have had some balanced and very unbalanced budgets since then, I've yet to see any plan that addresses the future tax burdens of our children to pay for the largesse offered in the way of entitlements in order to procure votes from election to election.

Doesn't it seem a better approach would be to get out of this cycle of bidding for votes? Wouldn't it be better to actually take the Democrats' issues away by denying to them their premises and establishing populist premises of our own, which play to our advantage? In the current model, we accept their premises and are left to fight interminable defensive battles on grounds of the Democrats' choosing. Talking points that continue in that mode, even if momentarily successful, only perpetuate the waste of energy.

Effective talking points are like seeds. Plant now, harvest later, and feast. If we decide now on the menu, we’ll know what seeds to plant.

812 posted on 07/10/2003 9:59:55 AM PDT by Sabertooth
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To: cyncooper
I must report that Thielmann was speaking at his alma mater ,Grinnell, in a 3 speaker series with Julius and Etheyl Rosenbergs'son,Robert Meeropol.Means nothing but interesting aside.Oct 02 ...;)
813 posted on 07/10/2003 10:02:56 AM PDT by MEG33
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To: MEG33
Greg Thielmann is another"whistle blower" to explore.He retired in Sept from State Dept. intel.It's on the latest CHB and I believe the Guardian had a similar piece.Wilson was against war a poster said

That's funny because Senator Bythe said NO ONE showed up for the hearings the had asking for "whistle blowers" to tell them what they knew .. this dude doesn't attend the hearing .. but then all of a sudden this guy has a news conference on his own?

814 posted on 07/10/2003 10:04:07 AM PDT by Mo1
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To: Neets; Ragtime Cowgirl
#812, FYI.

815 posted on 07/10/2003 10:04:37 AM PDT by Sabertooth
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To: cyncooper
Joseph Wilson has made several speaches that were titled "The case against regime change in Iraq", I saw this guy Wilson on the Phil Donahue show participating in a town hall meeting right before the war started, and he was trashing the president and never mentioned this information about Niger at all. He was mainly claiming it was all about oil

Marking to resume reading tomorrow. This I don't want to get buried.

The other night on Fox (can't remember which show) Caspar Weinberger was on and was discussing this Joseph Wilson. You could tell he had no respect for the man and remarked that in Wilson's article he made it sound like he went to Niger to investigate and did so by sipping tea for the most part with the Nigerians.

Weinberger also stated that this guy is a disgruntled type. I was struck by the amount of contempt that Caspar Weinberger had for the man. Most interesting.

816 posted on 07/10/2003 10:04:56 AM PDT by Lauratealeaf
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To: Seeking the truth
Points in the direction that T.J. Wilkinson may not be an American or at least not native born or schooled. Just a little factoid in this mystery.

I wonder if he has a British accent?

817 posted on 07/10/2003 10:06:06 AM PDT by Mo1
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To: Mo1; All

818 posted on 07/10/2003 10:07:57 AM PDT by Pan_Yans Wife (Lurking since 2000.)
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To: Miss Marple
I don't know who that person was either, but I tend to agree completely. When I detect the odor of compost, I find I'm immediately led to the Clintons and their hatchetjob minions.

The Clintons have always terrified me and I suspect they are at the bottom of this conspiracy. I also suspect Bush and company know it as well. Thank God.
819 posted on 07/10/2003 10:08:21 AM PDT by Humidston (Do not remove this tag under penalty of law)
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To: Lauratealeaf
Thank you for that. I wish I had seen Cap Weinberger the other night! Hopefully Hannity and Colmes will revisit this issue.

In the meantime, I mentioned I have the radio on and the ABC news at the top of the hour played a clip of Sheila Jackson Lee calling for an independent prosecutor be appointed and she specified the Nigerian story.

I know some will laugh because she is laughable, but ABC didn't think so, which goes back to the media willingness to carry dem water.

820 posted on 07/10/2003 10:09:05 AM PDT by cyncooper
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