Insulin metabolizes glucose. Thats a fact. Glucose is the final biproduct of carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates, and the breakdown of fat (stored fat). Glucose is necessary for normal body function, but only in certain controlled amounts. Insulin controls the level of glucose in the blood steam, hence the metabolic process, at any given time in the body. When the body takes in too much carbohydrates it converts some to fat (storage) cells, it uses the rest for metabolism. It stores far more that what it uses, unless you are running around the world. Therefore, the intake of carbohyrates means that you WILL need increased insulin to regulate the amount of glucose in your system for normal function of your body.
If your pancreas, especially the Ilets of Langerhans (the cells that produce insulin) are defective or surpressed they will not be able to produce the amounts of insulin to metabolize the rush of glucose that are produced in an big sugar or carbohydrate overload. This is the disease known as "Insulin dependant diabetes". In other words, insulin must be supplimented, by outside means, to assist the body in metabolizing glucose.
Now that you know the facts and our little "secret" (medicine is simple, if you use your brain) what would you think about a high carbohydrate diet for a diabetic? Pretty stupid, huh?
The weight loss system in the eyes of these "clinical dieticians" is unscientific and is now, thank God, being proven flawed and downright wrong. A diet high in protein, fat, and low in carbohydrates (low to the point of none) can manage an insulin dependant diabetic much better than the garbage that has been given the for years.
I wish I could go on and on to explain this but I can't. Not because I don't know, but because I have a chest to refinish for the love of my life. Look up what I have stated here and you will find the truth. It's biochemistry, it's human physiology, it's fact, and it's not that hard to figure out, after your are informed.
Look up sarcasm in the dictionary. It might help you be "informed"
Look up sarcasm in the dictionary. It might help you be "informed"
Look up sarcasm in the dictionary. It might help you be "informed"