First, I'm no Perotista, I never voted for him.
Second, though, the guy I voted for in 1992, Bush 41, ran a lame campaign and had already alienated a big chunk of his constiuency. That was all his own fault, not Perot's.
And yet you miss that Perot with the help of CNN brought about a Clinton Presidency which resulted in a retroactive tax increase in 93 and the pushing of Hillary care and Gore having free reign to negotiate Kyoto and nominating liberal judges without the threat of a filabuster which the demos are doing now, throwing away 200 hundreds years of precedent and trashing a good man in the travel office affair, who was acquitted in two hours , after the Hillary FBI was sicked on him.
And again should I continue or are you going to defend Perot as some hero for getting Clinton into office?
In reply #100 you stated that you would have liked to vote for John Kasich in the 2000 California primary, but now we are talking about 2004.
Come on Sabertooth, be honest, or does a cat have your tongue?