Why would they do that for drug addicts when they don't for alcoholics? When my Husband's alocholism escalated to the point where he had 3 DUI's on his driving record and became a felon, no one was there to help us avoid forclosure on our home, pay legal fees and fines, pay for rehab or help feed our kids... except our church who helped me with the light bill and food while he was in jail and rehab. Every urine test (for an alcoholic..go figure) we paid for, every visit to the court referral officer we paid for, every visit to the probation officer we still pay for. So if he was arrested for a drug related crime Uncle Sam would have paid for all of that???
He's coming up on 3 years sober & we survived without a single government hand-out. Owning up to ones responsibilities is a key step in sobriety and any right living whether your drug of choice is legal, taxed, and commonly used & abused or not.