Exactly correct, and it remains the modus operandi of the internet pirates attempting to justify their thievery on internet message boards. They simply refuse to objectively look at the personal responsibility of their own actions, and subsequently incorrectly conclude what they ultimately represent. Much like the alcoholic, who without admission of what his actions indicate, instead blame others and continue their path of self destruction. Good luck in your efforts to educate and enlighten, unfortunately many have simply becomed 'hooked' on free music and will never be cured without equivalent education as provided in 'detox' programs.
1) The RIAA tried to get a bill passed last year (sponsored by Sen. Ernest "There's too much consumin' goin' on out dere" Hollings) that would have created an exemption for them to hire hackers to go in and corrupt not only file sharing programs such as Kazaa, Grokster and Morpheus, but the files themselves as well, causing untold damage to the computer that downloads it.
2) The RIAA has deliberately raised fees on internet-only radio stations with the intent of wiping them out.
3) The RIAA and record companies conspired to keep prices for CDs high.
4) Record companies have intentionally sat on product they know there is a market for. (Case in point: Shortly after The Beatles Anthology Volume 3 was released, it was announced there was nothing more to release. I know for a fact, however, that is hogwash. There is still a lot of stuff out there (alternate takes and unreleased material, such as, Return To Commonwealth, Goodbye, All Things Must Pass) and they have been released, albeit in bootleg form. Judging from how Anthology sold, we know there is a market for this stuff. So why did EMI et al lie to us?)
And the same things applies to music that is out of print.
If record companies are not willing to make things available to the consumer, and there is a market for it, the consumer will be forced to go elsewhere for it.
Which is why blaming the consumer, and going to war with them, is the height of arrogance and stupidity within the record industry.