Dean got FREEPED by a Green! Click on LATEST VIDEO >>
Dean For America 2004 Campaign (06/23/2003)
Watch the video. About 7:35 into the speech someone holds up a HUGE Green and black sign on what must be a 10 foor pole. On one side it says "NADER 7% IN VERMONT" and the other "VOTE FOR GREEN PARTY". At about 14:00 the Dean guys are losing it since the sign is right next to or behind Dean's head. At about 14:00 into it, some Dean guy tries to sit up on a stepladder behing Dean with a tiny sign trying to block it. About 17:00 the Deanies start duwling with the Nader sign trying to cover it. It's very distracting and takes all the attentiona way from Dean's boring speech. Very very funny.
I commend the Greenie for doing that!!! But maybe it was really a Kerry guy getting back at the DEANYCREEPS for interrupting his speeches with Dean signs!