,,, New Zealand might as well be writing the book on political correctness. We've got a government funded obsession with being safe. The Labour government doesn't get it's votes from farmers and now Labour is making them pay for it. Intelligent politicians know that somewhere in the region of 60% of our export receipts are generated from primary produce - or derivitives. Who's going to pay for the state of the art welfare system? Answer: the soon to fall middle class. Welcome Karl Marx! The meat we export only pays the medicine bill. We're in big trouble here.
Oh, Shaggy, this is pathetic. Global warming is a tenuous theory at best. The relationship of man made impacts on the tenuous theory is even more questionable. Your government is actually going to levy taxes against some of your most productive citizens on very shaky data. This is absolutely crazy.
BTW, as I continue to view your real estate pages for future purchases, I also watch the financial markets waiting for the best opportunities to buy. The NZD is up from .42/USD last summer to nearly .58/USD this summer. Are you able to export anything anymore? And then, this atrocity on your agricultural exporters!! Oh, my.