To: Joe Hadenuf
I live in CA Joe, just like you.
To: johnqueuepublic
Good time to sell and head out John.
40 posted on
06/16/2003 10:25:51 AM PDT by
Joe Hadenuf
(Recall Gray Davis, position his smoking chair over a trap door, a memo for the next governor.)
To: johnqueuepublic
And I didnt post this article to get into a flamewar over minutae (sp?)
I think the point is that its not doom and gloom.
California is treading a dangerous path that really is not of its own making, no one invited the Mexican gov to push its dark skinned people northward. But the policies of the demos in CA make it much worse.
Do you think that illegal aliens should be able to get drivers licenses without having to show real identification?
Virginia closed a similar loophole in their law and now the CA leftislature is trying to create this loophole intentionally. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson