To all who knew her, she was always a blessing and an inspiration,
and one of God's brightest lights has left what we know as earthly life.
Her faith was rock solid, and decorated wonderfully the tapestry of her life - -
one all who viewed it, saw it as a most beautiful one to behold!
Now and then she'd ask me if her posts were too bold - too 'preachy' -
and always the answer was "No, dear who - we all clamor for more!"
We were the delighted recipients of her wit and wisdom and encouragement,
and ever so gently, we, too, were immersed in her love of our Lord.
Sometimes I'd address her as " whoever - wherever you are - - "
There is nothing but joy this day, knowing where that is !!
In II Timothy, Chapter 4, Paul says,
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith:
Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord,
the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only,
but unto all them that also love his appearing."
Whoever surely deserves the crowns that will be bestowed by a loving God!
Every person among the mortals she touched will sparkle as a single jewel on them.
Can you imagine how many that will be?!!
If you're looking down on this thread, who, we now can see you clearly - - -
you shine in the heavens with His Radiance, smiling, and shouting with delight,
"See? I told you how glorious it would be!!
Can't wait until you are here to see for yourself !"
For ourselves, we weep - for you, beloved who, we rejoice - - -
Your word picture fits her perfectly ;) One of her mails to me detailed how anxious she was to be in Heaven, and her closing words to that mail I'll always remember. She said, "Come join me, won't you?" We'll have tea together for real one day.