What protections were abrogated? The Rosenbergs had a legal defense team not one in a hundred Americans could afford. They had tens of thousands of communist party members protesting in the streets for them. They had people in the media on their side. That got due process and then some. They were guilty you know. A jury did convict them. They were not railroaded and their rights were not violated. Same with Sobell. Same with Alger Hiss. Yet you seem to believe these cases are open. That there is doubt. That the U.S. government is the villian. Why?
The only place the Rosenbergs are still honored is in Cuba. The world's one memorial to the Rosenbergs is in Havana.
The article which began this thread stated the government attempted to extort a confession - a clear violation of Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination.
A jury did convict them...Yet you seem to believe these cases are open. That there is doubt. That the U.S. government is the villian. Why?
Oh please. I know you don't believe what you're saying. You're not that innocent. Juries often do not settle issues - that's especially true in high profile cases. Is OJ innocent? Is secession Constitutionally legal? Is the government never the villian? A conservative "seriously" proposes that?