To: Dave S
He is not responsible for dealing with Israel's problems I hate to break it to you, but those terrorists Israel wages a war on, want the death of Americans as well. Whenever they have a parade, the two flags they burn are Israel's and America's. Furthermore, since 1967, over 60 Americans have been murdered by Palestinian Arab terrorists.
18 posted on
06/15/2003 11:24:45 AM PDT by
To: yonif
since 1967, over 60 Americans have been murdered by Palestinian Arab terrorists. And how many of them were killed in the good old USA? Nada. Okay, how many of them were permanently living in Israel continuing to vote for Democrats in American elections? Oops, is that politically incorrect to say?
BTW, there is no good reason that Bush should move the embassy to Jerusalem, especially while the Israelis and Palestinians are still talking to each other. Doing so would just cause more violence as it would indicate we are not honest brokers.
25 posted on
06/15/2003 3:19:32 PM PDT by
Dave S
To: yonif
He is not responsible for dealing with Israel's problems.....
For not being responsible for Israel's problems it's funny how the Bush as well as many presidents beforehim have put so much effort into developing a peace process and forcing Israel into developing relationships with murderous killers. If it is not his responsibility as the president of the U.S. then he should stop pressuring Israel with threat of losing their aid.
62 posted on
10/30/2003 1:32:39 PM PST by
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