Perhaps you missed the word of Frum throwing half the conservative party under the bus for not falling lockstep behind President Bush's every word
I don't think that answers my quesiton. I don't think it answers any questions.
For what it's worth, you're correct that I missed "the word" of Frum "throwing half the conservative party under the bus" whatever that means (what "bus"?). You seem a little obsessed with Mr. Frum however. Are you aware that there are other people besides Mr. Frum who work for National Review?
LO f-ing L! Well, Dr, you missed the key word explaning the motivating factor. The complete and total delusion of the author. "Half" he says,
Half!That's hilarious, that made my day. Talk about misrepresenting the facts to suit an agenda; that word! These empty cans rattling the most, the Paleocon internet heros get 1, O-N-E so called Paleocon elected, and maybe I'll buy say... 0.5% of the GOP is "under the bus" whatever that means. Probably a common phrase used in the fantasy world billbears has contructed for himself.
P.S. hchutch, are you intentionally pinging these goofballs, or do they follow you around?