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Hillary: Right Wingers 'Peverted' Constitution to Impeach Bill ^
| 6/08/03
| Carl Limbacher and Staff
Posted on 06/08/2003 11:21:27 AM PDT by kattracks
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To: what's up
And ... he didn't lose his license forever - the judges were so intimidated, they only suspended his license for 5 years, instead of taking his license from him forever.
Also ... The USSC barred x42 from bringing a case before them - FOREVER! That is not a small thing, but it's never mentioned. That's because HE LIED IN A COURT OF LAW!!
posted on
06/08/2003 2:51:04 PM PDT
( America - You Are The Greatest!!)
To: OpusatFR
" This woman seeing conspiracy all around her. Can you imagine a sitting president with all the paranoia of a Nixon, the power of the IRS, and the scrupples of Stalin?" We had it from 1992-2000. They just want a chance to finish what they started. God help us all if they ever get it!
posted on
06/08/2003 2:52:38 PM PDT
("Having the right to do a thing is not at all the same thing as being right in doing it.")
To: AmishDude
"Look for stacks of the book at a union headquarters near you. They want to put "best-selling author" next to her name." Doesn't Ann Coulter's new book come out in a week or 2? Any bets on which will sell the most copies?
posted on
06/08/2003 2:54:31 PM PDT
("Having the right to do a thing is not at all the same thing as being right in doing it.")
To: sweetliberty
I'll bet on which sells the most copies in the bigghurtt household :)
posted on
06/08/2003 2:56:35 PM PDT
To: sweetliberty
Any bets on which will sell the most copies?Well, it'll be Hillary's, you can count on that.
Now as to the most read book, that's a different question.
To: AmishDude
Oh I don't think Hillary's will be the better seller. She will probably arrange the purchase of a lot of them herself, and some of her kool-aid drinking fans who thrive on the lies will doubtless purchase it along with her brain dead media shills. I think most of the country just wishes she and her demented, narcissistic husband would just go away. Ann, on the other hand, has a huge following of adoring fan, male and female, who kept her last book at the top of the best seeler list for I don't know how many weeks and who have eagerly anticipated the release of her next one. My money's on Ann, hands down!
posted on
06/08/2003 3:04:05 PM PDT
("Having the right to do a thing is not at all the same thing as being right in doing it.")
To: sweetliberty
What I'm saying is that Hillary will be at the top of the
New York Times bestseller list.
Of course, being the New York Times, we can't rely on those numbers and the book will, inexplicably, be classified as non-fiction.
To: AmishDude
"What I'm saying is that Hillary will be at the top of the New York Times bestseller list." So was I.
posted on
06/08/2003 3:07:16 PM PDT
("Having the right to do a thing is not at all the same thing as being right in doing it.")
To: Calpernia
To: kattracks
"a very well financed right wing network of people that was after his presidency from the very beginning. [They] really stopped at nothing, to the point of perverting the Constitution, " Yeah, in Hillary speak the "well financed" Supreme Court "perverted the constitution" when they ruled unanimously that:
"Like every other citizen who properly invokes that jurisdiction, respondent has a right to an orderly disposition of her claims."
posted on
06/08/2003 3:08:51 PM PDT
To: sweetliberty
She is refering to a PERVERT and uses this word in slander.
To: OpusatFR
I couldn't agree with you more. Hitlery is nuts and a paranoid. She and Bill crave so much attention, it is unbelievable. He is our new Elmer Gantry, and it will always be about the two of them. They don't really care about what happens to the Democratic Party, unless it serves their purpose. How sick do they have to be to finally go away?
To: supercat
"Had the Republicans taken that approach, they probably would have weathered the 1998 elections much much better" You're absolutely right. That is true with so many issues. It seems the republicans NEVER take the offensive, and never effectively defend themselves and the party against the ceaseless attacks of the RATs when to do so would give them so much of an edge. The RATs cannot win with logic or rational arguments. Why we don't take advantage of that is beyond me.
posted on
06/08/2003 3:20:04 PM PDT
("Having the right to do a thing is not at all the same thing as being right in doing it.")
To: Budge
posted on
06/08/2003 4:04:42 PM PDT
("Having the right to do a thing is not at all the same thing as being right in doing it.")
To: kattracks
i don't have a tv.
did she explain how vince's body got from the white house to fort marcy park?
posted on
06/08/2003 4:05:58 PM PDT
(what democrats fear the most is democracy .)
To: CyberAnt
"Also ... The USSC barred x42 from bringing a case before them - FOREVER! That is not a small thing, but it's never mentioned. That's because HE LIED IN A COURT OF LAW!!"
Yep. WJC was fined and had his law license suspended for committing perjury. Perjury is a felony. As far as I'm concerned, WJC is a convicted felon.
To: kattracks
"[My husband and I] really stopped at nothing, to the point of perverting the Constitution, in order to undermine...the country."
With a few little changes, Hillary! finally speaks the truth!
To: The Westerner
Walters Gets the Good Stuff "Senatuh Cwinton, if you could be a twee, what would you be?"
"Well, I've been called a birch."
"That's cwose, that's vewy cwose."
"What are you talking about?"
"Hiwwawee, would you say the Pwesident was a phiwandewuh?"
"A what?"
"Would you say he was a wady-kiwwuh?"
"Did Biww skwoo awound with pawamouhs?"
"I surrender. What are you talking about?"
"Thank you and we'w be wight back!"
posted on
06/08/2003 4:23:41 PM PDT
(Superstition is a mind in chains.)
To: Ben Hecks
So the toon can't as a lawyer present a case to the USSC?
posted on
06/08/2003 7:32:52 PM PDT
(Hitlerys Commercial Was On Tonight, Her Audacity Saying Conservatives Perverted The Constitution)
To: TaRaRaBoomDeAyGoreLostToday!; CyberAnt
"So the toon can't as a lawyer present a case to the USSC?"
I'm not sure - Cyber Ant says not. Even though WJC was fined and had his law license suspended, I suspect that the case was handled in such a way that WJC technically avoided the stigma of being classified as a convicted felon although I tend to think of him as such.
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