To: rintense
Look, I agree with you, but it is at least possible the intel was wrong. It is very unlikely though.
I do suspect this is a 'rope-a-dope.'
But your post reminded me to make the point I was originally going to make. That is, the mist revealing thing about the type of posturing in the article is that the same people who were very patient andvery willing to give Hans "Ignorance Is" Blix as much time as he needed are very impatient for developments from the Coalition of the Willing.
This really reveals their worldview - somehow, they would rather place their trust in some career Euro beaurocrat than this administration, the Brits, and the other members of the CoW. This speaks volumes for them, and it isn't flattering.
33 posted on
06/07/2003 1:56:58 PM PDT by
(Who is number 6? You are number 1.)
To: HitmanNY
Oh I think any intel should always be scrutinized until a pattern develops. Should Bush be impeached because he believed the CIA, the British, and the Israelis? No.
43 posted on
06/07/2003 2:41:34 PM PDT by
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