Coleus asks: "It's a great point and insight on your part but how do you propose having one teach pro life issues in the classroom or in the home?"
See Pro-Life Education Program
I believe that in Religion class, Bible Study CCD etc., one quarter of the year should be devoted to teaching the sanctity of life. There is already an enormous wealth of material available that is suitable for classroom use. A tailored program could be developed in no time if the powers that be wanted it.
Yes, it is a HUGE undertaking. That is why I am trying to make known the Respect Life Curriculum Guidelines , published in 1977 by the US Catholic Bishops. It is still available.
It was the bishops answer to fighting the scourge of abortion brought about by Roe v Wade in 1973. This 109 page book holds a tremendous potential to create a nation of pro-life Christians who would live, work, and VOTE to restore equal protection to all citizensborn and UNBORN.
The only result is that we have Respect Life month and week in October. Sadly it is unknown in much of the country and has little impact as a whole. This is what has become of a 109 page blue-print for change.