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One U.S. soldier killed, five wounded in attack in central Iraq
The Boston Globe ^
| 6/5/2003 04:08
| Associated Press
Posted on 06/05/2003 1:35:10 AM PDT by yonif
Edited on 04/13/2004 2:10:02 AM PDT by Jim Robinson.
FALLUJAH, Iraq (AP) An American soldier was killed and five were wounded early Thursday when they were hit by a rocket-propelled grenade, the U.S. military said.
The attack came a day after more than 1,500 soldiers from the U.S. Army's 3rd Infantry Division moved into Fallujah and surrounding areas to quell increasing attacks on American occupying forces in that region.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Breaking News; Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; News/Current Events; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: fallujah; grenade; iraq; kia; soldier; usa; war
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posted on
06/05/2003 1:35:11 AM PDT
To: yonif
Take the gloves off, run that place into dirt.
posted on
06/05/2003 2:58:09 AM PDT
(Need a new reality? Jesus has one ready for you!!!!)
To: yonif
Time to get serious in Iraq!
To: holyh2o
Islamic practices and freedom don't go together, that is true, Obviously, we shouldn't respect murder, and rape, and oppression.
If these guys want to worship Allah(not a God I recognize as real)that's their choice but when they start screaming that they are being denied religious freedom, just tell them, hey as long as Islamic practices remain within the law, if they don't accept basically the Ten commandments as the basis for law, round em up, ship to Guitmo. They are future terrorist, out with the old , in with the new. The oppressed people will recognize the truth. Get a couple of Clerics who are praeching their vile hate, just to make the point. All of Islam is subject to Law, and it ain't their brand, it's God's. Time to take the gloves off folks.
posted on
06/05/2003 3:09:19 AM PDT
(Need a new reality? Jesus has one ready for you!!!!)
To: SAMWolf
sad ping.
Wish we would just take them all out. The whole lot of them not worth one life of ours. :(
To: Radix
posted on
06/05/2003 3:35:48 AM PDT
To: snippy_about_it
Wish we would just take them all out. The whole lot of them not worth one life of ours. :( I hope you weren't one of the guys saying "yippie we're going to liberate Iraq and make them a democracy." If so you're moron if you thought we could do it and not loose a single person. We're there now, so according to the Geneva Convetion we're responsible for what ever happens. The "taking them all out" would make us worse than Sadam.
How many Americans had to die to save the Germans from Hitler, the Italians, the Japanese, etc? That history makes me pround to be American. We died so that many more could live in freedom. People died to ensure our freedom. Some might just say we owe the same to others were possible.
posted on
06/05/2003 3:55:38 AM PDT
(People will die there. What did you expect?)
To: yonif
we invaded their god damn country!
Ofcourse they are shooting at us!, they have every right to, If someone invaded America we would shoot at them too!
It's a war dumbasses!

"Yeah... hi, it's Bill Lumberg calling... yeah I don't know if you got the memo or not but the war is over... just wanted to let you know... so maybe you could stop shooting at us or something, yeah that would be great..."
And guess what, the next country we invade... they are going to shoot at us too!
To: Lefty-NiceGuy
If so you're moron if you thought we could do it and not loose a single person. Clearly you're new here.
I'm well aware that war cost lives. It doesn't mean I have to like it. And I am also well aware of history.
Some of us, no most of us, tend to show some sadness and/or anger upon hearing about the loss of one of our own troops but that doesn't mean we aren't thinking clearly or morons.
Now feel free to back up a bit, and perhaps get to know us here at FR.
Having an intellegent conversation or debate without name calling isn't always easy but it can be done and should be strived for.
As an example, I'm refraining from ranting all over you right at this moment. Have a good day.
To: snippy_about_it
Ok, I'll stop being so critical and mellow out. Seriously though the idea that one American life is worth more that all Iraqis is a bit drastic. I'm sure it was an emotional response. I know that countries will put thier own peoples' lives before those of others, but the idea that all of "them" aren't worth one of "us" that's getting mighty close to nationalism.
"All men were created equal." may not mean equal wealth, education, or social status, but at least equal "dignity". Which is a nice hard word to define. Clearly some people no this earth are more equal than others :-(
To: Lefty-NiceGuy

Look, Fallujah's an especially tough place because a bunch of people were killed there by the 82nd back in April. There's a lot of revenge killing going on. You'll notice that this kind of thing isn't happening in Basra, Najaf, Karbala, An Nasiriyah, or anywhere in Kurdestan? Nope. Anywhere where you have a strong concentration of Sunnis is where you'll have the most resistance.
It's something we'll have to live with until we bring our guys home. I hate to say it, but we'll have to get used to it an pray for the families of the fallen.
But please folks, this ain't Vietnam. At one point, in 1968, we were losing an average of 600 men a week. NVA Regular Infantry and the local Victor Charlies make these Arabs look like the Pop Warner league that they are.
Be Seeing You,
posted on
06/05/2003 5:38:53 AM PDT
(Yes, she's back! Motoko Kusanagi....tanned, rested, and ready!)
To: Lefty-NiceGuy
Thank you. I should have clarified the word 'all' in my statement. All=the enemy.
I wrongly assumed it would be a given.
Have a good day.
To: snippy_about_it
Quit playing with these throwbacks to the 11th Century.
Prayers for the troopers and their families.
posted on
06/05/2003 5:49:51 AM PDT
(Clones are people two.)
To: section9
Anywhere where you have a strong concentration of Sunnis is where you'll have the most resistance. There was however unexpected resistance in Basra at the begining. I heard someone's theory that the reason the British have their sector under better control is because they have experience from occuping literally half the planet. Your Sunni idea makes sense too. Kurdestan -- well that's easy they've been running thier end of the country already. My guess is there will be ethnic cleansing problems between Kurds and Arabs.
You're definately right this isn't WW2 or Vietnam, but it does pose a significant problem. It's hard to do public relations/diplomacy or rebuild thier country from inside an APC.
To: holyh2o
if they don't accept basically the Ten commandments as the basis for law, round em up, ship to Guitmo.Sarcastically, I'll say -- Well spoken, true Christian.
As I've written elsewhere ...
The maintenance of freedom requires eternal vigilance against religion.
And that includes Christians!
To: yonif
I think if my current employment ends I'm going to get a job as a journalist. You evidently don't need to report factual information. The 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment is not a part of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). The soldiers are members of the 101st whose unit has been attached to the 3rd ACR.
Unfortunately the longer we are in Iraq the more of this we'll see. However if we pull out we will have not accomplished anything
To: yonif
I think if my current employment ends I'm going to get a job as a journalist. You evidently don't need to report factual information. The 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment is not a part of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). The soldiers are members of the 101st whose unit has been attached to the 3rd ACR.
Unfortunately the longer we are in Iraq the more of this we'll see. However if we pull out we will have not accomplished anything
To: yonif
Sorry about the double posting.
To: rosessg325
details, details...why worry about these measly details when Hitlery has a new book out. My heart goes out to those families of the soldiers regardless of which unit they are attached to
posted on
06/05/2003 8:23:51 AM PDT
(God bless the 101st and keep them safe)
To: holyh2o
The whole place is filled with shi'ite and dirt..
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