Richard Morgan is a child of Satan. He needs to be expelled from the Republican Party now and forever.
1 posted on
06/04/2003 12:28:53 PM PDT by
To: JohnnyZ
he is sick
To: JohnnyZ
Guys like this are so bad, that I'd vote for the REAL rat over the psuedo-rat. At least I know where the RAT stands.
3 posted on
06/04/2003 12:31:12 PM PDT by
Dan from Michigan
("Hey Moose! Rocco! - Help the judge find his checkbook, will ya?")
To: EternalVigilance; mykdsmom; Huber; TaxRelief; Windom Earle; LdSentinal; fieldmarshaldj
Jim Jeffords' long lost cousins are attacking the NC GOP from the inside.
The ultimate RINOs. They must be destroyed.
4 posted on
06/04/2003 12:33:17 PM PDT by
(I barbeque with Sweet Baby Ray's)
To: JohnnyZ
Thanks for posting this!
To: *Old_North_State; **North_Carolina; Constitution Day; mykdsmom; 100%FEDUP; ...
You guessed it! Another NC ping.
To: JohnnyZ
Citizens for Honesty & Integrity. That name was given to be a new political action committee formed by Morgan's consultant, Paul Shumaker. LOL!
To: JohnnyZ; Constitution Day
I may be simplistic in my depth of these things, but it seems to me if a politician has the time to devote to such personal attacks, I take it they're apparently attempting to disguise their own incompetence to address the real issues they were elected to handle.
8 posted on
06/04/2003 1:01:15 PM PDT by
To: JohnnyZ
This is one of the reasons why I had no hesitation in voting for the strongest language possible in the resolutions presented to the Convention.
Just wait till the next time Paul Shumaker calls me for help for a client of his.
To: JohnnyZ
Morgan is nothing but a disruptor troll. I see him staying as a Pubbie just to wreck havoc on the party.
12 posted on
06/04/2003 9:46:14 PM PDT by
To: JohnnyZ; Kuksool
We've got trash like that in TN, and I won't mention HIS name. Fortunately we sacked him from the leadership, but he's still a member of the House.
13 posted on
06/04/2003 10:14:41 PM PDT by
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