Then they have a don't ask don't tell policy for incestuals, bestials and ax murderers too. That's rediculous and NOT ture.
You might want to look here for the following BSA offical policy.
The Boy Scouts of America makes no effort to discover the sexual orientation of any member or leader.
The BSA doesn't ask. And if you don't tell (that's the "avowed" part of "[The BSA believes] an avowed homosexual is not a role model for the values espoused in the Scout Oath and Law."), and they don't ask, they have no way of knowing, and you can be a Scouter no matter what your sexual orientation is. It's DADT, just like the military, except that unlike the military the BSA actually follows their own policy.
For example, note this, from
The Narragansett Council took the apparently unprecedented step [in 1999] of reinstating an openly homosexual employee. The sixteen year old Eagle Scout had been released from a summer job at Camp Yawgoog and kicked out of Scouting after camp officials asked whether rumors that he was gay were true. The boy said yes. After a public uproar, the council reinstated his Scouting membership and offered his job back, with an okay from BSA, saying it was Scout policy not to ask about employees' sexual orientation -- an action similar to suppressing evidence because the warrant was bad.
You can find references to this on numerous sites. I picked because most of them are gay rights sites, and I wanted to find a site you'd believe. But the bottom line is that DADT is official BSA policy.