May 30, 2003
By Ned B. Hunter, Rocky Mount Telegram
A resolution condemning self-serving politicians is expected to be introduced during the annual Republican state convention in Charlotte this weekend.
While the resolution does not list any specific politicians, N.C. House Co-speaker Richard Morgan, R-Moore, and N.C. Reps. Harold Brubaker, R-Randolph, Julia Howard, R-Davie, Daniel McComas, R-New Hanover, and Wilma Sherrill, R-Buncombe, are expected to be named to the resolution from the convention floor, said GOP party Chairman Bill Cobey.
Those members are expected to be singled out for breaking ranks with Republicans in January and not backing either Republican caucus nominee N.C. Rep. Leo Daughtry, R-Johnston, nor N.C. Rep. George Holmes, R-Yadkin, for House speaker.
"I think they have no choice but to do it," said Robbie Davis, a Republican Nash County commissioner who is attending the convention. "(Morgan) took it upon himself to take his four and become speaker."
Davis, who said attempting to kick the five members out of the party is too extreme, said he would vote for some type of reprimand if it came to the floor.
"I think (voting to remove them) is too extreme," he said. "I would vote to have something else done to him, but I don't know what that is right now."
Morgan said the resolution was simply "poison and venom" being spit by a few Republican extremists.
"Those resolutions are nothing more than the work of sour-grape losers that now sit in the back row," Morgan said. "If things don't go real well for those extremists, they want to incite."
The resolution is not about getting even or sour grapes, but about maintaining the direction of the Republican party, said N.C. Rep. Billy Creech, R-Johnston.
"The record is pretty clear - most of those in the crowd made a promise they wouldn't raise taxes and they did. They broke their promise," said Creech, adding that he had input in the resolutions. "If we are ever to regain a force in politics, we need to stand by our word."
N.C. Rep. Bill Daughtridge, R-Nash, who will not attend the convention this year, said the resolution served no purpose.
"I don't know what the productive purpose is," he said. "While I think debate from all sides of a party as to what's important to a party is important, I don't see what this will prove."
Morgan said the resolution would prove nothing.
"That's what they are all about. These few extremists don't have any solutions to the problems that we have in the state of North Carolina," he said. "They just want to launch grenades and see how much they can blow up."
Cobey, who is running unopposed for a third term as party chairman, said eventually the party will reunite.
"I think that for certain individuals the anger will not dissipate for a long time," he said. "But I hope once everyone has vented, they will bury the hatchet."
The extremists Morgan refers to include about 80% of the Republican convention, the minority buoyed by a group of Morgan loyalists from Moore Co.
The "solutions" Morgan refers to all seem to include raising taxes. With solutions like that, who needs problems???