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To: Ragtime Cowgirl
But to take advantage of the opportunity to remake a country and perhaps a region, the U.S. will have to become at once a more dedicated and more nimble occupier.

Well yes, but all the tribal wild asses in Iraq aren't going to be easy to handle, and that's just for starters.

2 posted on 05/30/2003 7:00:37 PM PDT by xJones
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To: TexKat; ALOHA RONNIE; Jeff Head; Miss Marple; MeeknMing; Grampa Dave; DollyCali; retrokitten; ...
The most inexplicable oversight has been the coalition's failure to communicate with ordinary Iraqis--who remain confused about U.S. intentions--via radio or TV.

The Coalition = CENTCOM = DoD = Bush administration = traditional America = conservative = no willing support from mainstream national or international press.
The press continues to undermine our efforts in Iraq daily. Their selective and dishonest coverage of the war is endangering the lives of the Iraqi people and the Coalition troops.
The press wants the world to forget what the war revealed - the left, the press was on the wrong side. The Capitalist 'military industrial complex'  is the GOOD guy. AMERICA, led by a Republican President, is the 'courageous, humanitarian liberator of the oppressed Iraqi people' - not the left. Not them.
They want us to forget that we saw the left  (DNC, EU, UN, NGOs, socialist, Commies, press) defend oppression. We saw them overlook the gruesome evidence of years of hidden torture while decrying as "chaos" and "worse than living under Saddam" the noisy and 'untidy' actions of people just freed from bondage.
The world also saw that American troops - men, women, multi-colored, teens through 'senior citizens' - were kind and brave and respected each other - and the world knew that America-bashers who call America a racist, sexist, heartless nation are wrong.
The world saw the left was wrong, and so the press spins faster...and, of course, they're trying to hurt President Bush.
The press has become the greatest power within the western countries,
more powerful than the legislative, the executive, and the judiciary.
One would then ask: By what law has it been elected
and to whom is it responsible?  - 
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

What are the newly freed Iraqi people to think - after decades of Iraqi Info Ministry propaganda? They're now presented with a steady stream of lies from smooth-sounding Western "journalists" who falsely accused us of bombing civilians in the marketplace, shooting children, intentionally killing journalists, the antiquities looting, quagmires, pauses, cake-walks, starving Iraqi children, humanitarian crises, "shoot to kill" orders - reporters who trumpet each casualty and bury Coalition victories daily.

The press must deliberately choose to keep good news from the Iraqi people and the world. As professional journalists, they can't accidentally ignore their primary source for war news - CENTCOM - proven to be the most trustworthy news source throughout the war. CENTCOM puts out a detailed daily report of Coalition good works. The press ignores it - daily.

So the Iraqis aren't being told about the progress made daily by over 150,000 Coalition troops helping the Iraqi people rebuild power plants and get the oil infrastructure repaired, build roads, secure cities, set up local police and courts (minus Saddam's thugs), open schools, destroy weapons' caches (press doesn't remind the reader that Iraqis CHOSE not to use the mountains of weapons provided for them by foreigners to attack US), provide food, medicine, clean water - or about the troops patrolling the streets and country, risking their own lives to find and remove Saddam's accomplices and terrorist-wannabes.

The Iraqi people don't know that our troops are arresting regime bad guys daily. The Iraqi people should know we're taking their torturers off the streets. For every Coalition casualty, the Coalition takes out a far greater number regime bad guys who ambush or fire at them -  NO contest!  CENTCOM puts out a daily security log - a lengthy list of the bad guys captured or killed, our efforts to secure Iraq for the Iraqi people  (wanna bet the LA police log's longer?).

There are dozens of positive, newsworthy stories from CENTCOM daily - FACTS  that paint a very different picture of Iraq and our peacekeeping efforts. What the Iraqi people don't know is hurting them, our troops - and the free world.

CENTCOM, this administration, trusted the AMERICAN mainstream press to do their jobs - to inform the people. To report the facts. The administration respects free press. We however, don't have a fair press - but we do have a voice - the internet, talk radio. Getting the word past Laci Peterson on FoxNews, past the flood of daily lies and anti-American misinformation in the international mainstream press to the Iraqi people is a challenge. 

Fewer than 12 Coalition casualties per week, mostly accidental, since the liberation of Baghdad, in a nation of 24 million newly freed Iraqis, is NOT 'anarchy'.

Every casualty should be honored, and the way to honor those who fight and die for the world's freedom is by telling the truth about them -  their good work in Iraq, their courage, about the nation they love - why they chose to fight. The press insults the troops - mocks their victories and their sacrifices - when they ignore the big picture and turn each casualty into an excuse to criticize our war efforts.

The press (and our enemies) know that stressing casualties and blaming us for 'atrocities' will turn the public, and the world against us. They already played that game in Vietnam, and throughout the wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq. It's in the leftist playbook. Diversity is only skin-deep in the newsrooms of America.

The left wants our efforts to fail. We need to expose 'em, to tell the Iraqi people and the world about the bad guys we're taking out. Remind the Iraqi people and the world that OUR military - America and the COALITION will kick the butt of any terrorist or terrorist-supporter who threatens the lives of innocents. We need to repeat what should be known to all by now - that Saddam, 'big, bad Al Qaeda ' - hiding behind useful idiots, women and children (and the press) to deceive and kill unsuspecting innocents  - the saber-rattling of lying terrorists can't be compared to our real, powerful, honorable military and the determination, courage and strength of the American people. The press should be horsewhipped for ever implying that our military, our nation can't handle these loathsome terrorist pests.

The Iraqi people need to know that Saddam will never, ever rule in Iraq again. The press, by implying otherwise, is insulting our military and terrorizing the Iraqi people. The press knows what they're doing.

They quote the NY Times, not bothering to verify facts or sources. Our enemies quote them. They cover up the mass-graves, ignore the imprisoned children, look away from thousands of Shiites mourning their dead, 'brush over' the teachers proclaiming "No more Saddam!" to happy classes - ignore our awesome rebuilding efforts in Iraq - while sowing fear and chaos, 24/7 doom and gloom - deceit. 

The war made heroes of the American military and a Republican President, so the leftist press is distracting and deceiving.

We can only hope the Iraqi people, like the Russians after years of state-controlled propaganda, learn to look beyond the front pages for the truth - that the Iraqi people remember who bought and peddled Baghdad Bob's lies and who's actually in the arena doing the difficult work and risking their lives to save strangers.

CENTCOM, daily:
May 31, 2003
Release Number: 03-05-115


CAMP DOHA, Kuwait – Coalition Forces continue to assist in developing a safer and more secure environment in Iraq through the following activities.

Coalition Forces:
• With the Office of Coalition Provisional Authority (OCPA) and key Iraqi Police Force provisional leaders, assessed and selected 23 more former IPF police stations to be reestablished.
• Have issued more than 2,300 police uniforms.
• Report that more than 8,785 Iraqi police have reported back to work, and three Patrol Divisions and 18 Police Stations now operate 24-hours a day in Baghdad.
• Have consolidated 62 truckloads of Iraqi ammunition, and delivered 448 metric tons of propane in the city.
• Recently received 30 tons of mixed humanitarian assistance and medical supplies at Baghdad International Airport from Jordan.


Coalition Forces:
• The Judicial Assessment Team conducted a second day of interviews with local judges in Irbil. The team has interviewed 15 judges so far.
• Met with the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and Kurdistan Democratic Party Prime Ministers in Irbil to lay the groundwork for future humanitarian assistance, infrastructure improvements and other civil-military operations in the Kurdish governates.
• Continued Task Force Neighborhood and Task Force Grafitti operations to in Makhmur and Mosul with the help of local labor.
• Hosted the first graduation ceremony from the U.S. Military Police-run Police Academy in Rabiyah, which trained 47 Iraqi police officers over the course of two weeks.
• Received 139 benzene and 32 propane trucks from Turkey, and distributed 55,000 liters of benzene and 7,735 propane canisters in the northern Iraq.
• Assessed ten schools in Makhmur for restoration, and is planning a Task Force Neighborhood project with the Mayor of Makhmur.
• Continued work to build on the election discussions yesterday with the mayor and vice-mayor of Mosul, and expect to assist in the selection of district managers and mayors soon.
• Consolidated 373 of 569 sites of captured weapons, equipment, and ammunition to date.
• Continued to conduct medical supply assessments of the Al Hamdany area, and will begin delivery of medical supplies next week.
• Identified food supply requirements for the World Food Program to feed 184,000 people in Tel A’far, 120,000 in Al Zumar, and 150,000 in Avgani. Coalition forces continue to store and distribute food throughout the northern provinces.
• Announced that a contract was awarded to provide the initial six-month Internet service via satellite to Mosul.
• Coordinated through the Minister of Irrigation to bring hydrology specialists to work on irrigation problems in the Tigris-Euphrates valley. By way of comparison, the problems there closely U.S. experiences with the Platte River in Colorado and Nebraska.
• Received a 510-truck World Food Program convoy from Jordan with 11,170 metric tons of food consignments for Dohuk, Mosul, Irbil and Sulaymaniwah; Another convoy of 152 WFP trucks is delivering food to Baghdad, Babil and Qasissiyah.

• Coalition forces discovered and secured a large cache of weapons and ammunition in two schools that included more than 1,000 rocket-propelled grenade rounds and other small arms. They secured the site and called on explosive ordnance disposal experts to remove them.


25th Marine Regiment:
• Assisted in returning two of four turbines in the electrical power plant to service, which improved electrical power, and subsequently brought the sewage system back online.

The United Kingdom 7th Armored Brigade:
• Is screening 2,700 former Iraqi military members for suitability as potential security forces in the region.

23d Marine Regiment recently:
• Received 10 truckloads of fuel for the Wasit province that helped reduce congestion at the government pumping stations.


7th Marine Regiment recently:

• Provided $5,000 and medical supplies to the local hospital, and received two truckloads each of propane and kerosene as part of the agreement with the petroleum ministry.
• Invited city schools to the reopening of the amusement park that Marines and sailors renovated.
• Began several new school renovation projects in the city.


5th Marine Regiment recently:
• Conducted the registration and initial screening for the new police force, which will be followed by a 4-day "train the trainer" police academy focused on developing a professional police force.


5th Marine Regiment recently:
• Assisted U.S. Army Military Policemen in completion of the formal training phase of the Rumaythah police force and security guards, and began the practical phase of training.
• Vetted the list of candidates for as Samawah police management positions in preparation for interviews this week. The candidates are college educated, accepted broadly by the community, and many have untainted military experience.


7th Marine Regiment recently:
• Accepted bids for a contract to pave the road to the landfill, which will facilitate access to the facility.
• Conducted a well-received public safety day attended by 300 children and 20 teachers, which covered topics including the importance of education, avoidance of unexploded munitions, and trusting the police and firemen.

CENTCOM, daily:
May 31, 2003
Release Number: 03-05-117


CAMP DOHA, Kuwait -- Coalition Forces continue to aggressively patrol Iraq to eliminate crimes against people and property, rid populated areas of weapons, ammunition and explosives, and stop the black market trade in fuel and other commodities. Coalition Forces also continue to conduct joint security patrols with Iraqi police in their efforts to increase the professionalism of the police force and prepare them for their role in a self-governed Iraq.

Coalition Activity:

Marines from 1st Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment raided a suspected arms market in Abu Sukayr (An Najaf Governate) yesterday. They detained two people and seized five AK-47 rifles.

Marines from 3d Battalion, 7th Marines conducted vehicle checkpoint operations yesterday in Karbala. They detained several individuals for illegal weapons possession and confiscated two AK-47 rifles, a light machine gun and several pistols.

A patrol from the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, stopped a vehicle recently in Salah Ah Din province. They detained the driver and a passenger, and seized 10 AK-47 rifles, 2 rocket-propelled grenade launchers with 60 rounds, 2 light machine guns, over 50 mortar rounds (60 mm), and about 50 boxes of assorted ammunition.

Soldiers from the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division raided a weapons cache near Al Habraniyah recently. They seized nine AK-47 rifles, several light machine guns and two rocket-propelled grenades.

Soldiers from the 173d Airborne Brigade, 4th Infantry Division raided a house in Baba Gurgur yesterday after snipers fired on their patrol. They detained seven people and confiscated various weapons.

Police Activity in the Last 24 Hours:

Coalition Forces conducted 17 raids and a total of 2,537 patrols throughout Iraq. Of those patrols, they conducted 274 joint Iraqi and Coalition patrols. They also detained or arrested 379 individuals.

Recent Police Activity:

Iraqi citizens in Baghdad are increasingly supporting local authorities by reporting unexploded ordnance (UXO) to Iraqi police and Coalition Forces in an effort to make their neighborhoods safer. In the last two days, local residents provided the following information:

- Several boxes of 120 mm anti-aircraft ammunition
- 11 rounds of 155 mm ammunition
- Several rounds of 130 mm ammunition
- 6 rocket-propelled grenade rounds
- 2 mortar rounds
- Several hand grenades
- 2 rounds of 20mm ammunition
- An antipersonnel mine

In each case, Iraqi police and Coalition Forces secured the site and called explosive ordnance disposal experts to remove the dangerous items.

As of today, a total of 8,785 Iraqi police reported for work. Coalition Forces have issued more than 2,300 police uniforms.

An Iraqi citizen recently reported the location of a possible weapons cache inside a house in Baghdad to a joint patrol of Iraqi police and soldiers from the 549th Military Police Company. The patrol raided the house and seized six AK-47 magazines and almost 200 rounds of ammunition. No one was in the house when they raided it. They took the ammunition to a U.S. military weapons collection point.

Iraqi police in Baghdad and soldiers from the 549th Military Police Company recently served a warrant on two Iraqi men wanted for murder. The suspects fired on the joint patrol when they arrived at their residence. The patrol raided the residence and apprehended the men without injury to anyone. They took both suspects to the Police Academy Jail.

Iraqi police and soldiers from the 549th Military Police Company responded to the sound of shots fired from inside a Baghdad marketplace recently. The Iraqi police identified the shooter and observed him get into a vehicle. The patrol stopped the vehicle and searched it. They apprehended the suspect and took him to the Althawara Police Station. They seized an AK-47 rifle, a sub-machine gun and about 80 rounds of ammunition. They took the weapons and ammunition to a U.S. military police collection point.

Iraqi police and soldiers from the 233d Military Police Company responded to a complaint of a stolen vehicle in Baghdad recently. The victim told the joint patrol that several men had stolen his vehicle. The patrol went to the location where the owner last saw the vehicle and apprehended five men. They confiscated a pistol and hand grenade from them. Iraqi police took the victim and car thieves to a police station. The police checked the vehicle registration and then returned it to the owner. They took the pistol and grenade to a U.S. military police collection point.


Quotes from the grateful Iraqi people. Y

“I cannot describe how I am glad. After so many years of dictatorship, we have chosen our own leader.”
Kemal Kerkuki, after participating in the election of Kirkuk’s new mayor, The New York Times, 5/29/03

“I’m not going to mention his name in class anymore. No more Saddam.”
Naheda Muhammad Nage, an Iraqi schoolteacher, The New York Times, 05/28/03

Survey shows Iraqi people support US Presence
MEMRI ^ | May 28, 2003 | Al-Sharq Al-Awsat via Memri


5 posted on 05/31/2003 11:18:57 AM PDT by Ragtime Cowgirl ("Our men and women in uniform have won for us every hour that we live in freedom." - Pres. Bush)
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