Exactly. So far, there hasn't been significant damage to the enablers who run for office here - but then, money was flowing everywhere just a few years ago. People thought they could afford to ignore the problem. But now the system IS melting down -- hospitals closing, schools undergoing massive layoffs, etc. Still doesn't seem to be enough here in Lotus Eaters Land. They're convinced that someone, somewhere has the money, and damnit, they're going to get it. Except...the folks with the cash left town. They aren't planning to stick around for the big shakedown. So now California is stuck with the folks who want the handout.
Full system crash probably isn't too far off. It will happen when California has to go into the credit markets and bid high for bonds against the U.S. government which is currently in the same situation (only borrowing a lot more). At some point, the bond buyers will degrade their credit, and a lot will just say "no thanks". At that point, Davis and the Commies go down.