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In-a-Gadda Da-Vida We Trust (Dowd alert)
The New York Times ^ | 05/28/03 | Maureen Dowd

Posted on 05/27/2003 9:11:29 PM PDT by Pokey78

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To: Pokey78
The Vietnam era/Hippie protesters were despicable in their hatred of the military (or loathing, if you're Clintonian). The military was not to blame for the Vietnam war, it was democrats in the Presidency and Congress that gave us that war. To spit on men who were returning from hell on Earth, which they had no choice in going to, was wrong, selfish, and totally immoral. The fact that folks today trust our military to do the right thing is wonderful! Leave it to Dowd to find something wrong with that. I'm sure here 60's era friends think the way she does, but after all these years, they and she are still whiny, selfish babies who continue to direct their venom at the wrong people.
21 posted on 05/28/2003 4:54:01 AM PDT by Alas Babylon!
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To: Pokey78
What the heck is this woman putting in her morning oatmeal? I haven't read her in a while, but she is completely off the board with this stuff! She never used to be quite so shrill and unreasoning.


22 posted on 05/28/2003 4:54:20 AM PDT by Jimmy Valentine (DemocRATS - when they speak, they lie; when they are silent, they are stealing the American Dream)
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To: martin_fierro; reformed_democrat; Loyalist; =Intervention=; PianoMan; GOPJ; Miss Marple; Tamsey; ...


This is the New York Times Schadenfreude Ping List. Freepmail me to be added or dropped.

23 posted on 05/28/2003 4:54:22 AM PDT by Timesink
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To: TomB
Like I said earlier, this is a rather transparent attempt to get the heat off for misquoting Bush last week.

An obvious, and pathetic, ploy.

24 posted on 05/28/2003 4:58:10 AM PDT by NittanyLion
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To: TomB
Just more Mo playing with words instead of herself.

Ahh, I see you have picked up on the subtle "nuances" that Ms. Dowd and her ilk are so proud of. Or maybe, Dowd et al simply do not know how to write.

Maureen Dowd could make bacon taste like tuna. I consider that a sufficiently nuanced statement as well. And I can't write worth a darn.

25 posted on 05/28/2003 5:00:28 AM PDT by Fury
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To: Fury
Maureen Dowd could make bacon taste like tuna.

Just a short note thanking the inventors of the internet for not including smell.

26 posted on 05/28/2003 5:08:13 AM PDT by TomB
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To: Labyrinthos

I was doing Dowd a favor. I followed the posting guidelines, so kindly go be a posting Nazi somewhere else. And take your soap with you.

One of the problems with conservatives is that they think they can be polite with liberals. Liberals are not interested in being polite, they are not even interested in policy differences. They will lie, they will steal, they will dissemble, and they will not stop unless they are resolutely routed: both intellectually and at the ballot box.

Maureen Dowd's people tried to steal an election. Maureen Dowd's people would like to confiscate my firearms. Maureen Dowd's people tried to socialize 1/7th of the American economy. Maureen Dowd's people ignored Al Qaeda until it became too terrible to ignore. Maureen Dowd's people have pushed hate crime and political speech rules and laws on college campuses and in communities.

I give no quarter to people like that. They will give none to me.

Maureen Dowd deliberately, and with malice aforethought, excised a quotation by the President and decided to twist his words to suit her political ends. In so doing, she furthers the cause of liberals everywhere, and does so by subterfuge if not called to account.

Sure, I could have used a different phrase, even though I redacted the offending word. But Dowd is a disgusting individual whose record of prostitution in the cause of the Clinton White House almost rivals that of Sidney Blumenthal, another famous bootlicker. I gave her all the respect she deserved.

Be Seeing You,


27 posted on 05/28/2003 5:38:01 AM PDT by section9 (Yes, she's back! Motoko Kusanagi....tanned, rested, and ready!)
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To: MEG33
Dowd has become a Yawn!

Who is Dowd? I'm just here for the CZJ pics!

28 posted on 05/28/2003 6:24:51 AM PDT by gridlock
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To: Southack
Nobody uses the word "decimated" correctly anymore. The word is self-explainatory, FCOL!
29 posted on 05/28/2003 6:26:52 AM PDT by gridlock
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To: section9
I followed the posting guidelines,...

You were calling her a cult?

Maybe you meant to say she was being curt?

Because certainly that other word just doesn't belong here!

Now, back to more of the lovely Catherine Zeta Jones!

30 posted on 05/28/2003 6:37:30 AM PDT by gridlock
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To: Pokey78
Limbaugh continued: "It's obvious Maureen Dowd hasn't gotten over her breakup with Michael Douglas who she thinks is a real American president but he didn't do anything but utter the words written for him by Aaron Sorkin and stand where someone director told him to stand and have his hair coifed by somebody who knew what to do, and then he blew it by running off with Catherine Zeta-Jones, leaving Maureen Dowd in the lurch. All she's got now is bourbon for mouthwash, and it's showing on her columns."
31 posted on 05/28/2003 6:47:45 AM PDT by TomHarkinIsNotFromIowa
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To: section9
But Dowd is a disgusting individual whose record of prostitution in the cause of the Clinton White House almost rivals that of Sidney Blumenthal, another famous bootlicker.

See... I knew you could do it. You just blasted Dowd for what she is without using language that probably offends just about every female freeper and quite a few male freepers, as well. If you listen to Rush, then I'm sure you've heard that commercial for vocabulary tapes that starts out something like "people will judge you for the language you use..." I try to keep that in mind, not only in posting here, but in communicating with others in general, whether in writing or verbally. Despite your insinuations, I am not a prude and can swear like a drunken sailor or construction worker, which I do quite frequently when in the company of drunken sailors or construction workers. But when I'm not sure of my audience or think that some of them might not appreciate the use of crude language that is often used by teenagers and immature adults when refering to a certain female sex organ, then I will restrict myself to words generally found in Webster's English Dictionary. And BTW, if I was a "posting Nazi" I would have notified the moderator.

32 posted on 05/28/2003 7:37:52 AM PDT by Labyrinthos
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To: TomB
This is clearly a non-correction correction. She never admits her mistake.

Really weird and neurotic.
33 posted on 05/28/2003 8:25:22 AM PDT by fooman (Get real with Kim Jung Mentally Ill about proliferation)
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To: Labyrinthos
And BTW, if I was a "posting Nazi" I would have notified the moderator.

Believe me, that's been done.

Still and all, what infuriates the hell out of me is that an individual like Dowd can go out and win a Pulitzer Prize precisely because she writes for the New York Times.

Dowd is a rather unremarkable figure, sort of like one of those Second Raters who populate The Fountainhead and other Ayn Rand novels. What Truman Capote said bears repeating: "That's not writing. It's typing!" Maureen is living proof that if one is clever with words, one can make a lot of money. Dowd is a clever writer, not a great writer. There's a difference.

Dowd got as far as she had for two reasons: she has an "in" with Howell Raines and that crowd (go back a few years. You will find that Dowd's ascension to the OpEd page of the Times paralells the rise of Raines and Gerald Boyd on the editorial side of the paper.). Her friendship with Raines, et al, gives her a measure of protection within the Times in particular and Official Washington and New York in general.

Secondly, she writes for the Times. As you are aware, the Times under Howell Raines has become one of the least self-critical of newspapers. It was noted on Imus this morning by Jeff Greenfield that the NYT does not have an ombudsman-simply because it is the Times. Our complaints about Dowd will fall on deaf ears, simply because she writes what Pinch Sulzberger and Raines want to read. She writes what her friends in New York, Washington, and Hollywood want to read.

Consider: would Dowd have won a Pulitzer had she written for the Buffalo News or the Denver Post? Nope. But you can write for the Times and get away with murder. You can be rewarded for it, too.

I remember when we all thought well of Dowd in early 1998. She understood the mendacity at the heart of Clintonism, but then, as if on a dime, she turned and became a virtual lapdog. No one really knows how this happened. There are those who raise her involvement with Clinton loyalist Michael Douglas. Whatever happened, the turn came just in time for the Monica testimony to explode that August.

In 2000, she just made sh*t up. And I'm using very appropriate language, here. Her gleeful descriptions of the "Boy Governor" curling up with his security blanket after getting hammered by McCain in New Hampshire set the tone for her coverage throughout the years of Bush II. Her dislike of the Bush family is visceral, and it gets in the way what passes for rational thinking on her part.

In sum, if Doonesbury came in the form of written political commentary, it would be a Dowd column. Her writing is that clever, without really saying anything of substance.

Be Seeing You,


34 posted on 05/28/2003 10:21:09 AM PDT by section9 (Yes, she's back! Motoko Kusanagi....tanned, rested, and ready!)
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To: section9
You're preaching to the choir.
35 posted on 05/28/2003 10:51:58 AM PDT by Labyrinthos
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To: TomB
Nailed it. I'm glad I read ahead.

36 posted on 05/28/2003 10:57:11 AM PDT by The Real Eddie01 (Liberals Lie about Everything all the Time)
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To: section9
I'd like to add that I typically tell liberals that they can't admit the truth because to do so would be to admit that their entire intellectual self concept is founded on a lie.

The idea hear is to get them to realize that they only believe what they believe because someone told them to and rewarded them with friendship and influence for doing so.

Groupthinkers all.

37 posted on 05/28/2003 11:02:58 AM PDT by The Real Eddie01 (Liberals Lie about Everything all the Time)
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To: Pokey78
As Michael Isikoff writes in Newsweek, the Bush team does not want the public to pore over the president's daily intelligence briefings, like the one given on Aug. 6, 2001, at the Crawford ranch that dealt with the possibility that Al Qaeda might hijack airplanes

Anyone want to tell me just when the American people have been allowed to "pour over the president's daily intelligence briefings"? Personally, I don't feel comfortable with people having access to those briefings.

38 posted on 05/28/2003 11:06:55 AM PDT by McGavin999
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To: Pokey78
Oh, Mo, what a painful read. I don't honestly think that "deep-sixing" the sixties antiwar chic was high on anyone's list of objectives in Iraq, but it is, in fact, precisely what happened. All the vacuous inanities of that fabulously inane decade were resurrected - Dowd resurrected her share - recycled, reused, brought forth as revealed truths and demolished in the space of a few weeks. Holdovers on every university campus and editorial lounge in liberal America are wearing black armbands in mourning. The price of smarmy self-righteousness has plummeted on the commodities exchange because the reserve stocks are overflowing. Dowd can joke about it, but it's sort of like pretending that brown is your favorite color when you've just had your nose rubbed in it.
39 posted on 05/28/2003 11:07:55 AM PDT by Billthedrill
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To: Miss Marple
"Rarely have I loathed a columnist as I do Maureen Dowd."

She is the main reason I quit buying the Cleveland Plain Dealer.I told them that was the reason I dumped them.Too much good readable info on line than to have to pay them(the Plain Dealer)my hard earned money that helps pay her friggin way.I despise that tramp of a writer.Here's to her getting poop-canned!

40 posted on 05/28/2003 11:41:01 AM PDT by oust the louse
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