I hope you didnt mean that the planned economy was the reason they are prosperous?
They are prosperous because of capitalism exercised by corporate Western companies, who in order to compete in the world economy, outsource the manufacturing to cheap labor nations, and then sell the product completed to westerners at high prices at exhorbant profits! Capitalism at it's finest!
It certainly proves capitalism works, but my arguement is, what are we supposed to do now? If we arent making things at a salable cost rate, what are WE supposed to manufacture for ourselves? Where does OUR employment come from?
IF it costs too much to run a company here that can make an item at a profit because of overseas competition, what am I supposed to produce? And how am I supposed to pay people to work for me if all my costs are eaten up because of payroll that while 1/2 the American norm, it is still 10X the World standard wage?