POSTER 1: "Agree or disagree, everyone is entitled to their freedom of speech. Those who walked out turned their backs on the basic rights of Americans allowed under the constitution."Poster 2 sounds like they belong here on FR. Talk about vicious satire! LOL!POSTER 2: I agree whole-heartedly. Can't the administration keep those students from walking out in a ceremony for them?
POSTER 1: "Bottom line, ignorant ass parents ruined the ceremony, not Phil."
POSTER 2: Exactly. We agree again. There is no place in this country for parents to speak their mind and offer up rebelling notions. They were stupid ideas. Any intelligent person who is not some stupid ignorant redneck would not agree with them, and for this reason, these ideas must be silenced. All I'm saying is, there should be guards or something who can forcefully stop a crowd from dissenting when Phil Donahue gives speeches about the basic rights guarenteed under the constitution. If not, this is not what America was founded on, this is just another Baghdad, Afghanistan.