To: NativeNewYorker
}Like all human populations, they've married outside the group at times. The first signs of it are in the Bible itself. For example, the wives of Jacob's 12 sons included a Canaanite and an Egyptian. Moses married a Midianite woman and then a Cushite. Samson married a Philistine. At least two non-Israelite female ancestors figured in King David's genealogy. Mixed marriages between Samaritans and Judaites were common.
Ahhhm, this gets a little sticky. While your point (marrying outside their tribes) is a valid one, none of Jacob's 12 sons were Jews. They were all Israelites. A thousand years later or so the offspring of 3 of those sons, Benjamin, Levi and Judah formed Judea from which the nickname "Jew" stuck following their return from Babylon.
Also, Moses was not a Jew nor any of the Israelites with him in Egypt, nor was Sampson.
20 posted on
05/16/2003 8:39:53 PM PDT by
(He who controls the definitions controls History. He who controls History controls the future.)
To: DensaMensa
One thing I have never understood. Most Jews are Republican hating liberals. They slander Republicans as racists. But, yet, judging by the emphasis they put on themselves as a chosen race, why aren't they Republicans? As everyone knows, the liberals are on a campaign for the multicultural homogenization of all races.
Racism is obsolete the way I see it. Has been for the last 2000 years. As a Christian the way I understand the New Testament, having special status with God due to race is no longer valid, it is done away in Christ (see Galatians 3:27-29). Ever since Christ, faith is what determines whether or not someone is God's "chosen," not whether or not he has certain genes.
The New Testament teaches grace, not race. The issue in the New Testament is sin, not skin. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson