Uh, well I am glad to know that all the ruthless terrorist, that aren't afraid to blow themselves to pieces are all "gobsmacked".
So I guess we are all just fine with the fact that the hundreds of trucks coming across our borders daily, unabated, with unknown cargos, (like the one in Texas the other day that entered our country, found packed with dead bodies all over the place) is all just fine and peachy.
Roger that. Thanks for your insight.
I don't think I commented on the Mexican border situation, so I don't know how you can infer what my position on it is. Do you have a crystal ball there?
I'm not quite sure what the Mexican border has to do with the assault weapons ban, which was the original subject of this thread, or the Saudi terrorist attack, which was the subject of my post. I think there might be some significance to the fact that the most recent terrorist attack took place on Saudi soil, not American soil.
At least we know that if there were any terrorists in that truck full of illegal immigrants, they are most likely either dead or captured, yes?