When lottery tickets are "for the schools?" No, wait...
A matter of perspective, judgement, moderation. Do you think we'd be taken aback (and that's what we are...nobody's got their pitchforks and torches out for Bennett) if we were talking about the guys getting together for poker, cigars, spitting, scratching, and swearing?
Millions of dollars in losses (if that's what it is) is surely lacking in moderation, and brings with it the taint of the swaggering Hollywood high-rollers who pay wads of cash for a brief thrill. Throwing that kind of money away is simply a contempt for hard work. Unseemly. Indiscreet. Tacky, tacky, tacky. "Waste not, want not."
Such glitter and excess is not the image that conservatives choose to ally themselves with. But he's hardly being lynched, you know, to have to listen to the annoyance and disapproval of his fellow conservatives. Bennett's a big boy.
I did not appreciate Jonah Goldberg's apologia--and I'm fond of Goldberg. Perhaps the elites ought to be aware of how they come across to us, the "rank and file" conservative, and take a few pains not to offend. Goldberg runs with the elites, perhaps, more than he's aware.
Bennett is a pundit. His fortune comes with a public.