36 spam mails just today. I went through and erased every funny sounding cookie.
The spam filter at my secondary ISP experienced a glitch this past Thursday. I received 424 pieces of spam at once. Luckily, my mail client polls that mail server via my primary cable connection, else I would probably have been downloading spam for hours.
Here you go Dave
9) Anti-Spam Bayesian "PopFile" For Outlook
We've discussed "PopFile" several times before (
http://www.google.com/search?as_q=popfile&as_sitesearch=langa.com) ---
it's an antispam tool based on intelligent, statistical analysis of
email rather than crude, brute force black lists and such.
Frequent contributor Robert Perry (
http://favoriteshomepage.com )
writes of a PopFile-related development:
Hi Fred, I've been using PopFile for several months now, and
it's the best anti-spam tool I've come across to date. The
Bayesian approach is definitely the way to go.
My only gripe with PopFile has been it's lack of integration
with Microsoft Outlook and the inconvenience of having to
start two programs to get my e-mail. Well, my problem has been
solved by A. Ghandhi with his elegant and free Outlook
component Outclass. Here's the author's description of
"Outclass Mail Classification for Outlook with POPFile:
Outclass provides POPFile's functionality natively to Outlook.
What does this mean? It means that you can use the power of
POPFile to classify any email you receive using Microsoft
Outlook. This includes IMAP-based email and Exchange-based
email as well as any other types that may be supported via
Office add-ins (theoretically, anyway). Outclass has been
tested with Outlook 2000 and Outlook 2002 using Exchange,
POP3, and IMAP mail, on Windows 2000 and Windows XP and with
POPFile v0.18.1. Outclass can manually handle Hotmail accounts
in Outlook 2002, but does not automatically classify Hotmail
email at this time."
By the way, I've tested Outclass in Windows 98 with Outlook
2000, and it works great! Here's the website:
http://www.vargonsoft.com/Outclass/ Sincerely, Robert Perry
Thanks, Robert!
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