To: shawne
Only because you do not understand it and it is a threat to your worldview.
You claim that god exists, Prove it, scientifically.
You can't, and that is why god cannot be used as a causation in science, and that is why ID is NOT science.
Just because it shakes your worldview, does not prove therefore that evolution is wrong.
Why can you not believe in your god, and believe in the scientific validity of evolution as well.
If god is ALL powerful and science is proving that evolution is indeed what happened, then why can you not say to yourself, OK, evolution is what happened, and god is the one that put it into motion?
Why is that so hard? oh, that's right, if evolution is correct, then creationism is wrong, which means genisis is a myth, not fact, and therefore the bible becomes questionable.
Never mind, I think I answered my own question.
If the bible is not perfect, then houston, we have a problem.
94 posted on
05/02/2003 12:24:03 PM PDT by
(Are you on Grampa Dave's team? I am!! $5 a month is all it takes, come join!!!)
To: Aric2000
I agree with the first half of your post. Jesus said as much when he said an evil and adulterous generation seeks a sign, and none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.
The second half of your post was an exercise in building a straw man, dousing it with gasoline and applying a match. It makes a nice warm fire, but addresses no real issue, other than those made by creationist Children. The creationist ADULTS pose questions and issues with a bit more meat.
Your arguments do play well in grade school however. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson