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To: PatrickHenry
I will have to get back to you, but google and Mathew Henry will shed some light on those verses. I only had time to look up the first one and I got:

Let the heavens be glad and rejoice, because the Lord reigns, and by his providence establishes the world, so that, though it be moved, it cannot be removed, nor the measures broken which Infinite Wisdom has taken in the government of it, 1 Chronicles 16:30,31.

I took this to mean that no one can move the earth that God has put in place. Don't think we are talking about orbit. Matthew Henry seemed to understand that the earth did, in fact move.

Not sure of the dates of Matthew Henry (1700s?) but he is pretty indepth.

Will have to address your others later. Nice meeting? you.

768 posted on 05/06/2003 2:26:04 PM PDT by milan
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To: milan
Not sure of the dates of Matthew Henry (1700s?) but he is pretty indepth.

By that time, the solar system had been accepted, notwithstanding the scriptural passages to the contrary. Galileo was convicted of heresy in 1632. After that, the church was so embarrassed that there was a lot of tap-dancing around those passages, and eventually (1960s) Galileo was pardoned. But those passages won't go away, notwithstanding all the spinning and tap-dancing. If you're a scriptural literalist, give me *your* opinion. Never mind what you can see through a telescope.

775 posted on 05/06/2003 4:40:35 PM PDT by PatrickHenry (Felix, qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.)
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